@rambo and @missy set up quite a challenge issue to discuss, and I’m all about it!
It’s been a while I’m interested on experiencing different horizons in this topic, like poliamory and/or free love.
All of this happened when I started reading about freedom, self love, and other ways of social organization. Like anarchism, socialism and the critics about capitalism, economic inequality, globalization and etc.
The most amazing thing about these theories/practices/discourses is the understanding that no one can actually have power among others. In other words, we cannot control our feelings and desire. We are not able to control what our beloved ones feel and desire as well.
And here is where monogamy becomes a crucial issue. Because it’s most related to fulfilling a certain sense of lack, or a sense of failure that we fight against our whole life. However it doesn’t mean that choosing to stay monogamic is going to be a total disaster. I’m just trying to bring up more possibilities into something that has been a tabu.
So, for me, I understand that green flags involve open mind conversations and mainly - agreement among a party or more. That means I’m able to deal with this kind of “crossing the boards” thing when it comes to loving more than one person at the same time.
Still, one thing that is really hard for me to deal with is “lies”. I’ve seen so much of this happen, couples breaking up, people hurt (and that happened to me as well). With a lot of lies it is impossible to keep up the relationship. So, trusting it the key for a healthy love.
One good thing for me is the freedom to share my pics with SG community, the freedom to feel sexy and keep doing what I like to do. In a relationship that’s also a green flag, when both have the freedom to do and feel what they want to. Don’t let insecurity put you down for no reason, especially the ones that don’t agree with your modeling profession. In my case modeling is a hobby and no boyfriend will ever stop me for doing it!
I love being here! 💗💗💗