Subject: Message from Massachusetts: Pass a public option with 51 votes
Dear SG Friends,
The voters of the ultra-Blue state of Massachusetts have decided to elect Scott Brown, a conservative Republican to the Senate in a special election. With the election of a Republican senator from Massachusetts, the Democrats' so-called "filibuster proof" majority in the Senate is officially dead.
The loss of Ted Kennedy's Senate seat sends a clear message that the Senate health care bill does not go far enough. While the message might be lost on the power brokers within the Democratic Party, the message of the Massachusetts special election is clear.
Voters did not elect President Obama and a Democratic supermajority in the House and the Senate so that health care reform could be written by the likes of Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson.
I signed a petition telling President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid that the Senate must use reconciliation to pass a better health care bill with a strong public option. I hope you'll follow the link below and take action, too.
Man, I'm getting tired of the struggle, but heh...what are ya' gonna' do? Zalt
Dear SG Friends,
The voters of the ultra-Blue state of Massachusetts have decided to elect Scott Brown, a conservative Republican to the Senate in a special election. With the election of a Republican senator from Massachusetts, the Democrats' so-called "filibuster proof" majority in the Senate is officially dead.
The loss of Ted Kennedy's Senate seat sends a clear message that the Senate health care bill does not go far enough. While the message might be lost on the power brokers within the Democratic Party, the message of the Massachusetts special election is clear.
Voters did not elect President Obama and a Democratic supermajority in the House and the Senate so that health care reform could be written by the likes of Joe Lieberman and Ben Nelson.
I signed a petition telling President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid that the Senate must use reconciliation to pass a better health care bill with a strong public option. I hope you'll follow the link below and take action, too.
Man, I'm getting tired of the struggle, but heh...what are ya' gonna' do? Zalt
if you care...if you, or a friend will need American Health Care soon...please support the senate and congress in trying to get our comprehensive health care through the legislative process! the "true death panels" truly live within the health care insurance beauracracys...when they decide to CANCEL: and DENY coverage to the DYING!!!!! save "PUB:LIC OPTION and OBAMA CARE!!!"
llove ya, bro's and sis's...........zalt