These are two things I absolutely can't stand. They drive me crazy. Once an idea or question gets in my head, I have to look it into it, if I don't I'll go mad. Honestly, that's a short trip, but I'll talk about that later. And boredom, that's a pain in the ass. I can be busy, pouring sweat, and be bored to tears. I...
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1. Get my HAM radio license

2. Get my Red Cross certification

3. Start my road to being certified firearms instructor

4. Spend at least 4 days camping

5. Shoot and train more

6. Get my ass in shape!


I'm not usually the kind to even fool with a NewYears resolution. But I think this year I'll make an exception and give it a shot. The broad gist of it is, to be better a better man than I've ever been. I intend to gain education and training to assist others. I wanna read my bible more. Maybe even go back to school. But...
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Well the year is almost over. I've seen 31 of em come and go. I've noticed that as I've gotten older they seem to go by quicker. I know it's just perception, that a year is still the same amount of time that it's always been, but it still messes with me. Big events seem fuzzy in my memory will small details are as clear...
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Happy new year:)
Happy new year to all, hope all your wishes come true and that this year has amazing things for all of you :3

I have a half dozen projects laying around, and I really want to see them done. But for some damn reason, I can't seem to bring myself to finish them. I've always had this problem. I seem to have solved the no motivation problem at work. With my current job, I go home when I'm done, so work motivation is usually easy to find. But...
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