so i know im as late as a pregnant girls period....( but HAPPY NEWW YEAR!
i hope all you guys got fucked up beyond belief - cause i did.
last year i ended up having a threesome with two girls it got a little crazy i would say but thats life.
so anyway today makes 8 days until my return to my new MOTHERLAND: SAN FRANCISCO...
i'm sorta excited ready to get into more stuff & maybe i'll enjoy it this time (i think the issue was that i was soo ammped to get back to NY that i didnt allow myself to enjoy the new places and people in my life)
def. learned some things coming back home.
so anyway today was a crazy day i went to get my wisdom tooth pulled out
i was so scared that i went and took a shit just as the doctor was coming into my room - so they had to wait a "minute" for me to return
when i finally got back he told me he would be putting me to sleep so he inserted the needle into my arm and told me to put my head back...(THE LAST THING I REMEMBER..LOL)
when i woke i was in another room my homeboy who took me was there and this sexy ass dental assistant who had gave me attitude when i first got there. i was laughing at everything i was on cloud 94643434335454345346
and was feeling good for every bit of the
i dont know how in the world i managed to get that dental assistants number with my mouth all bloody but i DID IT...
it was great i wish the dentist would have told me what the name of that drug was so that i could get some more (JUST KIDDING) but i do suggest that all of you go and get your wisdom teeth pulled it was amazing.
i slept all day .... the end
i hope all you guys got fucked up beyond belief - cause i did.
last year i ended up having a threesome with two girls it got a little crazy i would say but thats life.
so anyway today makes 8 days until my return to my new MOTHERLAND: SAN FRANCISCO...
i'm sorta excited ready to get into more stuff & maybe i'll enjoy it this time (i think the issue was that i was soo ammped to get back to NY that i didnt allow myself to enjoy the new places and people in my life)
def. learned some things coming back home.
so anyway today was a crazy day i went to get my wisdom tooth pulled out

when i finally got back he told me he would be putting me to sleep so he inserted the needle into my arm and told me to put my head back...(THE LAST THING I REMEMBER..LOL)
when i woke i was in another room my homeboy who took me was there and this sexy ass dental assistant who had gave me attitude when i first got there. i was laughing at everything i was on cloud 94643434335454345346
and was feeling good for every bit of the
i dont know how in the world i managed to get that dental assistants number with my mouth all bloody but i DID IT...

it was great i wish the dentist would have told me what the name of that drug was so that i could get some more (JUST KIDDING) but i do suggest that all of you go and get your wisdom teeth pulled it was amazing.
i slept all day .... the end

I didn't get put to sleep when I had one oif my wisdom teeth pulled. I got shot up with novicane and a script of vikidan
My new years was ok. I spient it with my wife and kids. I drank some pina coladas we had left over. I buddy came over on friday and we drank alot then
I was really fucked after I get pain killers at the er for my kinday stones. That was some very good shit and a got script for oxy so I'm good now