yesssssss! bomm - chikaaa bown bowwwww (THE LAST DAY OF CLASSES)
ugghhhhh its finally over im so excited i just got in finishing up the last of my packing before i go and get my ass on that plane tonight
i cant wait - (i got my window seat as requested) the best seats ever besides when you have someone next to you and you have to go to the bathroom. (that sucks)
but anyway im pretty happy (no complaints)
i went to this comedy club last night called the 'Brainwash' the comedians sucked ass but it was great (i think i wanna do a set there) its a half laundry mat video arcade/ half comedy club bar thingy - who ever thought that up must have been a wizard of some kind because i would have never thought that up...
umm thats all for now
<------- i love this face for some reason! lol
ugghhhhh its finally over im so excited i just got in finishing up the last of my packing before i go and get my ass on that plane tonight
i cant wait - (i got my window seat as requested) the best seats ever besides when you have someone next to you and you have to go to the bathroom. (that sucks)
but anyway im pretty happy (no complaints)
i went to this comedy club last night called the 'Brainwash' the comedians sucked ass but it was great (i think i wanna do a set there) its a half laundry mat video arcade/ half comedy club bar thingy - who ever thought that up must have been a wizard of some kind because i would have never thought that up...
umm thats all for now

Next summer, i'm going to Africa, but not for booty hahaha
Actually, i'm going to do Education and cooperation.