So the biggest news, and reason for my lack of updating, is that I've moved into a new apartment. A 1BR with a good amount of space, but more importantly... It's all mine!
I can't seem to get the WiFi working to save my life though. So I'm hard lining it...

St Patty's Day weekend was a big one. It was also the last weekend of Bike Week Daytona. I rode down with some friends. Some I've known for a while, some I just met. So I slapped the GoPro to the bike and we were off!
This is Dave and Patti:
I rode back to Jacksonville solo while they and everyone else stayed. Shortly after I got comfy on the couch, I got a text to let me know that Dave and Patti had gotten into a accident on their bike. Nothing too serious, but Dave needed surgical pins put in to fix a broken tibia. I'm just going by what I was told. Thankfully though, it wasn't worse.
The very next day was St Patty's and I went out with friends. But, like people who had work the next day, I took it easy. Even though the only thing I had the next day was go to the gym.
I couldn't help but think back to last year's St Patty's celebration in Columbus, OH. Felt all warm and fuzzy knowing it had been a full year since meeting many of you fine people. (And all you weirdos too!)
Lastly, I ran a mud run the other day for the first time in nearly a year.
Not only are they a blast, they're usually for a good cause. In this case, multiple sclerosis...
Well, I've caught the bug big time! I've looked up all the mud runs within three state for the next month and a half. I've already signed up for the next two weekends.
I just wish I could get friends to join me! To them, I say...
Congrats! You're all updated on all things Zale! Yay!
Here, have a cookie:
(excepting the moving bit
Glad your friend wasn't too seriously (?) injured [really, it all sounds rather serious in context].