First, I really wanted to put this blog off until I got more of the pictures back... But I just can't help myself!
But thus far, two Halloween parties and two different costumes down, and still 2 more (maybe 3) to go.

Friday night kicked off Halloween festivities for me with an annual party put on by a local radio station. I went as a zombie. The look started a over a month ago by tossing some already old clothes in the backyard to let FL weather beat them down even more.

The makeup itself took about 2.5 hours. The makeup in stages:

As you can see, while I had to shave the beard, I had some fun doing it.

The finished look:

My zombie was a HUGE hit! People got freaked out, strangers wanted to be mauled for pictures, and one woman requested to be "motor-boated". The radio station held a costume contest with a $1K cash prize, which I wasn't even invited to compete in...

The removal of the makeup took just about as long to take off as it did to put on.

I didn't get to bed until after 5am. And still needed to wash my pillow the next morning!
Saturday night was supposed to chill. But having had so much fun the night before, and meeting some people who told me about another party, I decided to do it again.
However, I didn't want to do the same thing and I hadn't planned on another costume so short notice. But as I was shopping the local Halloween store, inspiration took hold of me!
I had always wanted to do him before but always felt that typical sweater/glove/hat combos to be too cheesy. This time though, the store had quality accessories and I knew that I had the makeup already to make a decent attempt at his burns.
The makeup:

The full look:

The teeth and eyes weren't completely accurate, but dammit... only 5 hours from planning to execution, that's not too bad!

And since I'm all about detail and not half-assing anything, I even did the left hand as well as back and top of the head. (Although, the hand picture was taken at the end of the night and was starting to fall off)

Next party is on Wednesday (Halloween itself) and will be BIG... My regular watering hole is closing the bar to employees and regulars. But you'll all have to wait for that one.
After that is the SG party in OH, but I'm still at a loss for a plan on that one... My makeup kit is huge and I don't think I'll be taking it with me. Not to mention the last thing I wanna do is creep the ladies. TOO much anyway...

I hope to have more pictures of these looks later to post.
Sweet dreams, all! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!
But I can't wait to see you!!!