Ya know, if this were a typical R&R/leave period... I'd have already left to go back to Afghanistan! Still thankful that I'm done with that for a while. But I think I'm about ready to take a vacation from my vacation already. Lol
I received my final month's pay and end of contract bonus on Fri. But since my friends want to hurt me when I tell how much it was, I think I'll spare you the details.
My last blog included the shenanigans of my brother's 21st birthday celebration out at the beaches, but as a gift from Dad, we went skydiving on Sunday down in DeLand. We meant to do it for his 18th birthday like I did for mine, but between my being away in the military at the time and his own reluctance, we never did it until now.

He enjoyed it but was kinda of the same opinion as me when I did a tandem... Fun, but kinda lame at the same time. Especially when the anxiety of your first tandem is the worst part.
There's a sense of security in having a certified instructor with THOUSANDS of jumps doing at the work. But that's also just it, THEY'RE doing at the work! It's so much more fun we you are flying your own body!

Yes, that's me!
Now that I finally have all the requirements for my license, I think I'll start wearing my GoPro camera when I jump pretty soon. So I'll have some pretty awesome shots and video to share.
On a more serious note, I need to rant a little bit...
The other day I broke down and chewed him out a friend about how big an ass he's been over the past several months. For one thing, it's been about a year since his (second) DUI, so he's been relying on his me and the rest of our friends for transportation... and we've all had enough of the lack of appreciation and disrespect of our rides. He's come to EXPECT rides and (at least in my car) ALWAYS leaves trash, with not even so much as a little gas money for any of us! Now, he should be getting his license back very soon, but unfortunately that's just part of his problem.
Another thing is that he lacks basic social sense! One of the reasons we didn't go skydiving the weekend of my bro's birthday is because he want to just also, but asked us to wait until after his payday. But then the day before we went down, he says "I still don't know if I wanna spend the money." Mother fucker, we rescheduled a whole week FOR YOU and now your not gonna do it! If you know you're not gonna jump, man up and so so!!! And of you know you have an expense coming up, maybe DON'T buy that $60 boxing match on Pay Per View! And maybe DON'T buy some random guy you just met at the sports bar a shot (which he did the same day after the rest of us jumped)!
Another couple quick examples of his social idiocy: He hits on his friends' exes and he'll suggests doing shots at lunch yet if you buy him one later in the evening and he'll pass his off to someone else! Uncool!
Come to find out, our bartenders even hate him. The night of his birthday, I was DDing for him (naturally) and was getting heavy handed pours like always. When I requested less booze so I could take care of the BDay boy, I got a roll of the eyes as if to say "Why are you even bothering to help HIM?!" and another bartender straight up said, "You mean there was a time when he WASN'T a douche bag?" when I was telling her how he used to be fun to hang with.
Finally, he is a complete tool when it comes it women! He has been friend zoned by so many chicks that it's shameful! The worst of which actively takes advantage of this and gets meals, drinks, and gifts bought for her! Sometimes as she's on her way to meet some other dude for a date!!! And he actually values her opinion higher than some of his closest friends that he's known longer! Also one reason why he's always broke, even though he has traditionally made more money than most of us!
So I told him that people have already started avoiding him and not inviting him to events, that he's not the type of person people want to associate themselves with and that I was the last friend willing to put up with his she, but that even I had had enough! At this point I expected shock, embarrassment and/or some hurt feelings, but instead what I got was anger! Which just tells me that he still doesn't get it...
End rant. Thanks for reading...
I received my final month's pay and end of contract bonus on Fri. But since my friends want to hurt me when I tell how much it was, I think I'll spare you the details.
My last blog included the shenanigans of my brother's 21st birthday celebration out at the beaches, but as a gift from Dad, we went skydiving on Sunday down in DeLand. We meant to do it for his 18th birthday like I did for mine, but between my being away in the military at the time and his own reluctance, we never did it until now.

He enjoyed it but was kinda of the same opinion as me when I did a tandem... Fun, but kinda lame at the same time. Especially when the anxiety of your first tandem is the worst part.
There's a sense of security in having a certified instructor with THOUSANDS of jumps doing at the work. But that's also just it, THEY'RE doing at the work! It's so much more fun we you are flying your own body!

Yes, that's me!
Now that I finally have all the requirements for my license, I think I'll start wearing my GoPro camera when I jump pretty soon. So I'll have some pretty awesome shots and video to share.
On a more serious note, I need to rant a little bit...
The other day I broke down and chewed him out a friend about how big an ass he's been over the past several months. For one thing, it's been about a year since his (second) DUI, so he's been relying on his me and the rest of our friends for transportation... and we've all had enough of the lack of appreciation and disrespect of our rides. He's come to EXPECT rides and (at least in my car) ALWAYS leaves trash, with not even so much as a little gas money for any of us! Now, he should be getting his license back very soon, but unfortunately that's just part of his problem.
Another thing is that he lacks basic social sense! One of the reasons we didn't go skydiving the weekend of my bro's birthday is because he want to just also, but asked us to wait until after his payday. But then the day before we went down, he says "I still don't know if I wanna spend the money." Mother fucker, we rescheduled a whole week FOR YOU and now your not gonna do it! If you know you're not gonna jump, man up and so so!!! And of you know you have an expense coming up, maybe DON'T buy that $60 boxing match on Pay Per View! And maybe DON'T buy some random guy you just met at the sports bar a shot (which he did the same day after the rest of us jumped)!
Another couple quick examples of his social idiocy: He hits on his friends' exes and he'll suggests doing shots at lunch yet if you buy him one later in the evening and he'll pass his off to someone else! Uncool!
Come to find out, our bartenders even hate him. The night of his birthday, I was DDing for him (naturally) and was getting heavy handed pours like always. When I requested less booze so I could take care of the BDay boy, I got a roll of the eyes as if to say "Why are you even bothering to help HIM?!" and another bartender straight up said, "You mean there was a time when he WASN'T a douche bag?" when I was telling her how he used to be fun to hang with.
Finally, he is a complete tool when it comes it women! He has been friend zoned by so many chicks that it's shameful! The worst of which actively takes advantage of this and gets meals, drinks, and gifts bought for her! Sometimes as she's on her way to meet some other dude for a date!!! And he actually values her opinion higher than some of his closest friends that he's known longer! Also one reason why he's always broke, even though he has traditionally made more money than most of us!
So I told him that people have already started avoiding him and not inviting him to events, that he's not the type of person people want to associate themselves with and that I was the last friend willing to put up with his she, but that even I had had enough! At this point I expected shock, embarrassment and/or some hurt feelings, but instead what I got was anger! Which just tells me that he still doesn't get it...
End rant. Thanks for reading...

Hook us up with a gopro video next jump.
Glad you're enjoying your time off at least a little bit!
And sucky friends are the suck.