Had a fire on the camp yesterday morning. Whether it was the Afgans or Pakistanis that cook our food, somebody fucked up and our "new" kitchen burnt to the funking ground.

Of course, it didn't help that people tried 16 different fire extinguishers... that were all inoperable! Someone's gonna get their ass handed to 'em for dropping the ball on that one. There are also fire hoses around, but the pipes were frozen solid too.

The result is that despite already having three expats on duty around camp in addition to about 4 roaming Gurkha guards, leadership feels that it now has to have an additional Expat specifically for fire watch and paying them overtime too (which would end up being over $500 for a 12 hour shift).
Funny how we were not at all at fault yet are bearing the punishment for it. And what of the fucking peasants who were actually at fault... most likely nothing will happen to him/them.
wow thats fucking crazy