Ok... So I've been back in the states for three weeks now and I figure it's time to quit beatin' around the bush and write a new blog...
What's new you ask?
Well, the car my father bought me while I was aways is now in my possession and I got my first speeding ticket in it already! Score!

I've put some after market wheels on it to dress it up and the hood and exhaust are next. Just waiting on the parts to get in.
It seems that while I was away, my tattoo artist, Gabriel Cece got a full spread about him in a recent issue of International Tattoo Art Magazine. Congrats to him! On the down side, he's booked well into Oct now! And I'm dying for some new ink!!! But it's just as well... I also want to hit the beach a lot more and the last thing I want to do is hit the beach with fresh ink!
While on the subject, Fusion Ink, the shop that Gab works at, is having their one year birthday bash this weekend! And I will most definitely be attending!

Lastly, I have decided to start shaving my head again. This decision was partially forced on me when the stupid chick that cut my hair yesterday went WAY too short, leaving me with two choices. Bite the bullet and be seen with a ridiculous hair cut for the next couple weeks, or cut it ALL off! I decided on the latter... GOD! I can't wait until I'm out of the military! Things like this wouldn't happen!!!
End rant....
What's new you ask?
Well, the car my father bought me while I was aways is now in my possession and I got my first speeding ticket in it already! Score!

I've put some after market wheels on it to dress it up and the hood and exhaust are next. Just waiting on the parts to get in.
It seems that while I was away, my tattoo artist, Gabriel Cece got a full spread about him in a recent issue of International Tattoo Art Magazine. Congrats to him! On the down side, he's booked well into Oct now! And I'm dying for some new ink!!! But it's just as well... I also want to hit the beach a lot more and the last thing I want to do is hit the beach with fresh ink!
While on the subject, Fusion Ink, the shop that Gab works at, is having their one year birthday bash this weekend! And I will most definitely be attending!

Lastly, I have decided to start shaving my head again. This decision was partially forced on me when the stupid chick that cut my hair yesterday went WAY too short, leaving me with two choices. Bite the bullet and be seen with a ridiculous hair cut for the next couple weeks, or cut it ALL off! I decided on the latter... GOD! I can't wait until I'm out of the military! Things like this wouldn't happen!!!

End rant....