Freaking freak freak. hand coding CSS is not as easy as it was last time I did it. This is possibly because I haven't even looked at html in at least 5 years and have forgotten everything I ever knew. Hopefully next week Ava will be better and I'll sit down with 15L of coca cola and some lip balm and wrangle with this until it works.
This is my logo for the new website. Comments, criticisms always welcome..

I'm hoping to stick to just those two colours throughout the whole thing. Font is Garamond, but strong. The rose is a stylised version of my wrist tattoo. Eventually, i want to have my blog and a portfolio for my photography on the site. People are asking what my blog is about, but I can't do niches, I get bored. So, it will have a little bit of everything. But dont' worry, I promise not to neglect my SGland blog! I even took some pretty pictures last night with you in mind...
Hrm, hang on.... I'm pretty sure I got new lights...
Argh! I'm blind! Better ones with a um, thing that escapes my mind right now because it's been a long night and Ava has just woken upa nd started screaming again. That thing, you know, that makes the light less harsh?
This is my logo for the new website. Comments, criticisms always welcome..

I'm hoping to stick to just those two colours throughout the whole thing. Font is Garamond, but strong. The rose is a stylised version of my wrist tattoo. Eventually, i want to have my blog and a portfolio for my photography on the site. People are asking what my blog is about, but I can't do niches, I get bored. So, it will have a little bit of everything. But dont' worry, I promise not to neglect my SGland blog! I even took some pretty pictures last night with you in mind...

Hrm, hang on.... I'm pretty sure I got new lights...

Argh! I'm blind! Better ones with a um, thing that escapes my mind right now because it's been a long night and Ava has just woken upa nd started screaming again. That thing, you know, that makes the light less harsh?
Ok, looks like it will be another night with a small squirming child in my bed. Anyone got any good ideas (beside sedatives) for stopping an irate 10 month old from waking up every 30 minutes?
If you get stuck with the web page stuff, and need a hand, give me a yell