Hrm. Is gonna take me a while to get the hang of this camera. It's fancy! I'm still a little shocked at the fact that i got a D70 and a Nikon lens (Nikkor 18-55mm) for $607 total. When I first looked at a D70 a zillion years ago, it was about $2,500 just for the body!
Yesterday I went to the Peel Zoo with my friend Bambola and a twitter/blog friend from the states,Cuileann. Yes, I did just go there the other day, but it's so awesome to go to a zoo where you can ask the keeper to let you into the cages and he unlocks the door and says "just lock it up when you're done."
Birds = totally creepy.
Yesterday I went to the Peel Zoo with my friend Bambola and a twitter/blog friend from the states,Cuileann. Yes, I did just go there the other day, but it's so awesome to go to a zoo where you can ask the keeper to let you into the cages and he unlocks the door and says "just lock it up when you're done."
Birds = totally creepy.
Today I rode Ava to daycare on my new bike. So much fun, but my thighs hate me right now. I am off to play with my lights and my camera and wonder where the hell I put my groupd certificates for my tax return..
Ciao Ciao!
Snakes and boobs are always good!

I have a D70 too which I got years ago but still haven't properly learned to use
I love all the bird photos!