I think I might try and do a self shot set on my piano next week. The fact that you can see half the piano from the front door (it has glass panels) adds a bit. I haven't gotten naked in front of a camera for SO long! I'm having a bit of an issue with my stomach - I have really toned abs, they are just hidden under than extra skin from having Ava!
I'm really glad I got the piano back from Dad when I moved. I have missed playing it, even though I don't get much time to do it now. This is what it's mostly being used for!
I sat down and worked out the opening to Fur Elise the other day, something I used to play when I was young. Its awesome stress relief.
Oh and my other new hobby - worms! I got sick of taking my vegetables scraps to school for one of the other mums to take home for her chooks, so I just bought worm farm. I'm incredibly excited about the slimy little critters! I'm looking forward to getting 'worm juice' to use on the window sill herbs I'm getting for my bathroom (my kitchen has no windowsill). I have so many plans for this spring - I hope I have the energy to carry them all out. I want the weather to clear a bit so I can get out with my camera, I am practising my hooping a lot with the kids from the neighbourhood (who are SO impressed) and Beth is coming back in like less than 2 months.
Love to you all ~crazyzak
I'll spoiler my big whinge for all of you that can't be assed reading it - and I don't blame you!
How's it going?!