Well, now that I have a kid at school it seems the other way around - term time goes quite quickly and holidays drag on and on! I go back to uni this week, but my son still has a week off. I'm glad I have three days of classes where he will get babysat because he is driving me insane and I fell like I haven't had any time to myself.
But I did manage to have a long soak in the bath last week, give myself a (much needed) pedicure and take some photos.

My big news is I start circus classes in 2 weeks! I wanted to just do an aerials class, but the instructor doesn't let beginners in, so I'll be learning silks, acrobatics, stilts and 'manipulative skills' (is this juggling and stuff? I have no idea). Then next term I can do the aerials course. I'm so happy that there are classes near me - I only have to drive an hour to get to Disco Cantito. Usually Perthites miss out on all the good cultural stuff because instructors move to the Eastern States.
I'm so excited. I really need to start working on my upper body strength though, I've done practically nothing since Ava was born, just walking and hooping and yoga. I can't jog with my pram and I refuse to leave her anywhere to go to the gym - I can take her with me to these classes which was a big selling point.
Well, I'm off for a shower and bed. I've had a headache for the last two days which is putting me on potential migraine alert - lots of sleeping and water and quiet time needed. For anyone else that has kids on school holidays, I wish you luck and don't worry, there's only a week left to go!
Ciao Ciao