OK, just a quick rant tonight. So tonight I was on my way home from the fencing club that I go to and at the first intersection I'm waiting at, there is a guy in a pickup with his high beams on. Normally this isn't an issue, you flash yours the person on coming turns theirs off. This guy, nope, he just sits there with...
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Alright, I got a fun story you guys. So last night I had a "special" friend over. Nothing to graphic was going on, she was "handling" my wee man, which is always a good thing. But me being dead tired couldn't help but make a joke about kissing him goodnight. Which surprisingly she did... literally, a single peck and that was it... and she got...
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I'm convinced that no one is reading this but for the sake of having not posted in awhile here I go. I've recently become inspired to get a new tattoo and I figure if I describe it here it'll help me visualize it better as well as open the door to comments on maybe a way to refine it.

Just a note, this tattoo is...
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Nice to see I'm not just talking to myself. Soon as I get it done I'll be sure to post a pic of it. First things first though, I need to find a new tattoo artist, mine moved away.
Thanks for the friend-ing smile
Just gonna throw this out there. Someone or possibly a bot keeps hacking my account and changing my password. If it is a person doing this I simply ask Stop, go fuck yourself and die in a fire please. Feel free to just jump to the last step on that one.
I've only been a member for less than 24 hours and I already wish that I was a photographer. For anyone who actually reads this I'm just going to write random things here and there. Just a warning though I can be a bit of a social/sexual deviant at times. In other words just bare with me.