Last night was an interesting experience for me. I believe I may have a mild anxiety problem. I was at a Muse concert with a friend and though the show was enjoyable for the majority of the show I felt like I was about to have an anxiety attack. Definitely one of the more worse experiences I've had with anxiety. I guess it ties into...
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The only time I had an anxiety attack was during a long flight, because I was stuck in the middle seat between two fairly large men. It lasted a few hours, and I'll never forget how uncomfortable it was. Ever since I always make sure I sit either by the window or the aisle. I didn't have anyone to snap at, but I'm pretty sure I would if I wasn't travelling alone. Don't beat yourself up over it, I'm sure your friend understands. smile
love the hair bro!!smile
love it!! xx
Well just a heads this one is just going to be a rant on my current emotional state.

I'm not even sure where to start really. Just feels like I have a knife in my chest right now. Let's see, well I've recently found out that a girl I've had a crush on for, I don't even now how long anymore but a long ass...
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Well another fun day for me. Got to work this morning only to find out that there was a shooting at the club across the parking lot from me. To my knowledge at least 3 people were hit but now are all in stable condition...silver lining I suppose but it takes a real low bag of shit to shoot 3 unarmed women. Haven't heard if...
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Bloody hell, glad they're okay(-ish). frown
Shit, that sounds horrible frown
Well considering how shitty last week was I thought I should update and say that things are looking up. My boss is still hurting after the sudden loss of his sister but now with the funeral is behind him his mood is slowly getting better. It'll likely be a couple weeks before he's back to normal but that is entirely understandable. If I lost one...
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You lucky bugger! The only thing I have ever won is a game of 'Shithead'. I know, that doesn't even count...

Hope this week is as good as your last weekend. smile
Yeah, it's been something of an emotional week for me. On top of the bad news about my boss. I also broke up with a girl I've been dating now for some time. She didn't take it too well but we're going to try and remain friends. And the salt on the wound after all that is she found out that she may have to have her cat put down. She loves that cat like she does her ability to breathe. I'm very much an animal person and I've gotten to know this cat pretty good and it sucks to hear that after everything else. Silver lining though is that a friend of the family is a vet so I told her to contact them, say that she's a friend of the family as well and hopefully an affordable arrangement can be made to save the kitty A.K.A. Martin. Thankfully though I had a good weekend to help put things back on track and am hoping for better days soon. If you do find yourself in the Niagra region again they actually have a couple iHops now. And what on earth is "Shithead"?
Well today when I got out of bed I was expecting just another regular day at work. Nothing to spectacular but when I got to I discovered it was going to be a pretty shitty day. My bosses sister passed away earlier this morning, no major health problems, no warning signs. She briefly complained about feeling faint and then was gone. She was 52 years...
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aw man sorry to hear the bad news frown xxxx
Well today I was hoping to have a picture of a new tattoo for you to see. Unfortunately the artist that was going to do it has come down with a bit of a flu. Now it will probably be a few weeks before I get a chance to go and get it done now. So for the time being here's a monkey playing with...
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Aw man well hook us up with a photo once you get it done smile <3 xxxxx
Loving the snow today biggrin As for the fucktards that don't know how to drive in it or were inadequately prepared, I hate you stay home. I have a 4x4 and want to drive with reckless abandonment through 2 feet of snow before the plows get to it. Yes, I am one of those guys that enjoys winter tongue
I know what you mean about the fucktards man. I live in Chicago and you'd think these idiots would have learned how to drive in the snow by now.blackeyed
Been awhile since I've posted anything so I figured I'd update on the tattoo situation. While waiting for my appointment to get in to get my half sleeve started I'm in the works to get another in a few weeks with another artist. Nothing big or fancy but I'll be getting the AC/DC thunder bolt down the side of my leg and have Thunder Struck...
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Well I have an appointment booked with Keith at Citrus City Tattoo, but it isn't until June. I'm a little bummed that it's so far away but at the same time now it gives me something to look forward to in the summer. I'm tempted to see if I can get in to see another artist before hand to get a smaller tattoo, I already...
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