I havent been nominated by anyone to do this but I thought it would be fun to join in.
1) Height - 186cm
2) Virgin - Not for a long while
3) Do you smoke - weed once in awhile
4) Do you drink - More than I probably should but it is something I'm trying to address
5) Age you get mistaken for - My beard tends to make people guess older than I actually am but I'm alright with that
6) Any tattoos - Several (shoulder, torso, legs)
7) Any piercings - nope
8) Best friend - From highschool, hardly ever get to see each other though but the love is always the same.
9) A fact about your personality - I always try to keep the mood around me light.
10) What career did you choose when you were a child - Comic Book artist, I've strayed far from that a long time ago but I don't regret the decision
11) Where would you like to be right now - I'm actually pretty happy where I am.