My last post was kind of depressing so I thought I should do an update. First and fore most, yes I'm still alive. Overall I've been feeling a lot better, I still have my bad days but not as bad as that particular one. A fair bit of stuff has happened in the past couple weeks, lets see if I can remember it all.
Two weeks ago was my cousins wedding. When I get my hands on a couple pictures I'll be sure to share a few. Was a really nice service, was a cash bar but that didn't stop my cousins, sister and I from getting our drink on. It was actually really nice drinking aside, me and my sisters have always been a little distant with that side of our family but over the last few years we've started to get closer so it was nice to share in the celebration that day.
Alright now some bad news. Since my last post I've discovered I need orthotics for my feet. Hooray for that not being covered under any health insurance
And I also have some rash on my legs that seems pretty wide spread but I now have cream for that so I'm hoping it'll clear up soon. Between my feet and knees hurting, the rash and the occasional day of depression I've been feeling a little like
but with solutions for at least two of those problems in hand I'm keeping my head up.
Last weekend I was able to fix my truck, it's been leaking anti-freeze and oil for months now so I thought I should do that. Ran into a few problems with some of the parts I got but I now have it all fixed up. Also some interesting news about my truck While driving to my cousins wedding the odometer rolled over the 500000km mark which is kinda cool. Most vehicles don't last long enough to see even half that.
Some other fun news. Earlier this week a good friend of mine got in a huge fight with her ex to the point where her ex no longer wants to talk to her. Part of the fun about that is the ex is best friends with my older sister and needless to say we talk about those two from time to time and share thoughts seen as how we have the luxury of seeing the fights from both ends. However after some incident over the weekend something I said was apparently used in the huge argument, I was accused of lying and was blamed for part of the huge fight. Long story short after a retarded game of broken telephone and he said she said it turns out I'm not liar....which I knew but apparently was fought about at length. My friend and her ex are no longer talking...for now at least. Which I can tell you is very very good thing.
I think that covers all the big stuff from the past couple weeks.
Oh! One more thing, just thought of it. I've had a revelation, seen as how I've been somewhat stuck in a rut for some time now I've decided to go back to school. Night school of course, I still love my job I just need a change in my weekly routine and I think night school would help with that. On top of broadening my horizons I figure it will be a good way of meeting new people.
Okay now I think I got everything.
Two weeks ago was my cousins wedding. When I get my hands on a couple pictures I'll be sure to share a few. Was a really nice service, was a cash bar but that didn't stop my cousins, sister and I from getting our drink on. It was actually really nice drinking aside, me and my sisters have always been a little distant with that side of our family but over the last few years we've started to get closer so it was nice to share in the celebration that day.

Alright now some bad news. Since my last post I've discovered I need orthotics for my feet. Hooray for that not being covered under any health insurance

Last weekend I was able to fix my truck, it's been leaking anti-freeze and oil for months now so I thought I should do that. Ran into a few problems with some of the parts I got but I now have it all fixed up. Also some interesting news about my truck While driving to my cousins wedding the odometer rolled over the 500000km mark which is kinda cool. Most vehicles don't last long enough to see even half that.
Some other fun news. Earlier this week a good friend of mine got in a huge fight with her ex to the point where her ex no longer wants to talk to her. Part of the fun about that is the ex is best friends with my older sister and needless to say we talk about those two from time to time and share thoughts seen as how we have the luxury of seeing the fights from both ends. However after some incident over the weekend something I said was apparently used in the huge argument, I was accused of lying and was blamed for part of the huge fight. Long story short after a retarded game of broken telephone and he said she said it turns out I'm not liar....which I knew but apparently was fought about at length. My friend and her ex are no longer talking...for now at least. Which I can tell you is very very good thing.
I think that covers all the big stuff from the past couple weeks.
Oh! One more thing, just thought of it. I've had a revelation, seen as how I've been somewhat stuck in a rut for some time now I've decided to go back to school. Night school of course, I still love my job I just need a change in my weekly routine and I think night school would help with that. On top of broadening my horizons I figure it will be a good way of meeting new people.
Okay now I think I got everything.