Alrighty kids, its been a few days now since I've posted anything so I figure I'll post about my late night attempt at art. Well a back story first. With a group of friends I play Dungeons and Dragons and as of Monday we'll be starting a new campaign. Me taking on the typical role as the tank or other wise known as the meat shield decided to come up with an Orc barbarian. The following is an attempt to depict what he looks like. Please be gentle in your comments as this is my first attempt at a drawing in well over a year.

This is just a quick rough drawing but may be the final draft as well depending if I feel like chancing to improve it

This is just a quick rough drawing but may be the final draft as well depending if I feel like chancing to improve it

hello!!! im here to say THANK YOU so much for take time to watch my set and commented it!!

Your choppy internet connection works in my favor.