Last night was an interesting experience for me. I believe I may have a mild anxiety problem. I was at a Muse concert with a friend and though the show was enjoyable for the majority of the show I felt like I was about to have an anxiety attack. Definitely one of the more worse experiences I've had with anxiety. I guess it ties into my ochlophobia which is a fear of crowded places. Something I only learned a little while ago, never put much thought into it but then after last night it opened my eyes. A lot of people I know don't like crowded places but for me I'll get a sense of panic. Thankfully I've developed my own coping methods over the years but it really wouldn't take much to put me over the edge. To make matters worse, last night as we were leaving I snapped at my friend, in my defense I was still feeling on edge but afterward when we were back on the road and I had a chance to calm down. My panic was gone but replaced with a sense of embarrassment and shame for snapping at her. After I managed some explanation about how I was feeling during the show, to her it was no harm no foul but I still felt bad about it. Any chance anyone there know what that feeling is like?
The only time I had an anxiety attack was during a long flight, because I was stuck in the middle seat between two fairly large men. It lasted a few hours, and I'll never forget how uncomfortable it was. Ever since I always make sure I sit either by the window or the aisle. I didn't have anyone to snap at, but I'm pretty sure I would if I wasn't travelling alone. Don't beat yourself up over it, I'm sure your friend understands.