OK, just a quick rant tonight. So tonight I was on my way home from the fencing club that I go to and at the first intersection I'm waiting at, there is a guy in a pickup with his high beams on. Normally this isn't an issue, you flash yours the person on coming turns theirs off. This guy, nope, he just sits there with his thumb up his ass and leaves them on. I give it a moment hoping that the light will change and I can make my left turn. My luck I just got the light as it turned red, and being just a small side street off a major road, it takes forever to change. Needless to say my patience runs out more due to the fact that my retinas are starting to burn into the back of my skull, so I start to just continuously flash my high beams hoping the guy will get the hint. Oh and yes I did look away to try and prevent flash burn but every time I looked up to check to see if the lights were about to change all I got was high beam in the eyes. So after over a minute the light finally changed I make my turn but eh guy never turned his high beams off and I must have been flashing mine at him for at least 30 seconds or so. So either the guys an idiot or an asshole my money is on both truthfully. I did think that maybe this guy just has HID's installed but they give off either a very bright white or blue white but these ones, to my trained eye just looked like regular high beams and being stopped on a minor incline were perfectly aimed at eye level.
Morale of the story kids, Don't drive through cities or be on the opposing side of an intersection with your high beams on. For starters it's rude and second, being in a city you really don't need them. Also if you happen to be in a position where the car on coming to you is flashing his high beams at you like a crazy person, you may want to check to see if yours are on. And for the record, the indicator light looks like this.
It's the little blue light between the two gauges.
So I ask, as a common courtesy to your fellow drivers, which at times yes can be a pain in the ass idiot, please turn your high beams off when facing oncoming traffic. If you are unsure as to how to do this, newer vehicles it's the toggle on the left of the steering wheel and either pull it towards you or push it away. On some older model vehicles it makes a click sound, on newer vehicles not so much. If you're driving a really old vehicle or more specifically a pickup truck, it's a little round button on the floor near where your left foot rests. In the end to be 100% sure, read your owners manual, it's there for a reason.
Morale of the story kids, Don't drive through cities or be on the opposing side of an intersection with your high beams on. For starters it's rude and second, being in a city you really don't need them. Also if you happen to be in a position where the car on coming to you is flashing his high beams at you like a crazy person, you may want to check to see if yours are on. And for the record, the indicator light looks like this.
It's the little blue light between the two gauges.
So I ask, as a common courtesy to your fellow drivers, which at times yes can be a pain in the ass idiot, please turn your high beams off when facing oncoming traffic. If you are unsure as to how to do this, newer vehicles it's the toggle on the left of the steering wheel and either pull it towards you or push it away. On some older model vehicles it makes a click sound, on newer vehicles not so much. If you're driving a really old vehicle or more specifically a pickup truck, it's a little round button on the floor near where your left foot rests. In the end to be 100% sure, read your owners manual, it's there for a reason.