I hate doubt. I know it's inevitable in most situations, and as just read, 'the only sure thing in life is doubt' (and death and taxes) I know you can't avoid it. I just wish my second voice would quieten down sometimes. I've tried shouting, threatening and even bribing, nothing seems to work. I suppose without the doubt though I wouldn't work as hard for... Read More
Feeling ridiculously happy today for no real reason, which is never normally a good sign, and usually comes just before a drop, but i'm trying to think positive!
I did have such a great weekend, so i'm focusing on that. My brother and I were the photographers for his bandmates wedding. It was such a great experience, alot of pressure to try and capture all... Read More
Oh my Mr K is over there? For how long? I'm so glad for you
Ugh I've been there before with that exact rumour, or rather it was like I had to move because I was pregnant and had an abortion and and and... lame...
Just realised I haven't updated my blog in over a month. Such a slacker.
It's been a busy few weeks. Went back to SA for 2 of them, had an amazing time.
There were so many highlights, seeing family and friends, and of course, Kevin is probably top of the list.
I also shot a set with talamia which I'm so excited about
Was slightly... Read More
Not much to say except that it's less than a week until I fly back to Jo'burg for 2 weeks.
I am ridiculously excited, get to see my family, my friends, and most of all Mr Flee. The funny thing is neither of us will properly admit how excited we are, I've heard it from a few of his friends though, which helps to calm... Read More
I will put my insomnia to some sort of use, as I can't concentrate on studying, and write a blog instead. While listening to huge amounts of Pearl Jam, just the right thing for this time of night.
29 days until I go back to SA for 2 weeks holiday. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am. Am trying so hard not... Read More
Well I was actually dead on then! Cos I was gonna say if only we had the extent of stuff the US and the UK has on ebay I'd be a gloriously happy but poorer girl
Oops I read this post a long time ago but I must have been distracted at the time to have not commented. Oh wow oh wow oh wow your baking looks awesomazing!
Keep trying to be more regular with blog posting, and then i realise over a month has passed and I haven't written one!
Been a busy few weeks, work has been crazy, but is finally winding down now that all the students have gone on holiday. We have our christmas work party this Friday, should be interesting, there's always lots of gossip after work parties!... Read More