Finally updating.
Seeing as Grayness has kindly reactivated my account, i felt I better make it worth his while
I'm not really sure why my account keeps expiring as I'm meant to have a free membership for a year as a hopeful i think, but i'm trying to get it sorted.
I hope you all had a good new years and are settling back into the new year and the normal working routine?
I'm still wishing it was New Years again. I was in Brighton for a few days and it was just brilliant. It was quiet (except for the seagulls) it was peaceful (except for the drunkards trying to sell ecstacy outside the window) and really it was just awesome. A great opportunity to take some pictures too.
Being with someone who also loves his camera helped too.
Some pictures:
Brighton SeaLife Centre

The beach and marina

I've also had 2 new tattoos done sine I last wrote. My sleave is coming along nicely. Will have pictures of them next time I write, as I'm just waiting for the one to heal. Next up is a pin up girl, can't wait for her!
Planning a new shoot too, will hopefully be happening as soon as the sun is shining
I've recently moved house, and thought I may as well use the new surroundings. Will let you know more when I do
p.s Don't forget about my sets in MR already, and thank you to everyone who has already shown it love.
Second p.s Will have more Brighton pics up on my blogspot by the end of the day if work doesn't get too busy
Seeing as Grayness has kindly reactivated my account, i felt I better make it worth his while

I'm not really sure why my account keeps expiring as I'm meant to have a free membership for a year as a hopeful i think, but i'm trying to get it sorted.
I hope you all had a good new years and are settling back into the new year and the normal working routine?
I'm still wishing it was New Years again. I was in Brighton for a few days and it was just brilliant. It was quiet (except for the seagulls) it was peaceful (except for the drunkards trying to sell ecstacy outside the window) and really it was just awesome. A great opportunity to take some pictures too.
Being with someone who also loves his camera helped too.
Some pictures:
Brighton SeaLife Centre

The beach and marina

I've also had 2 new tattoos done sine I last wrote. My sleave is coming along nicely. Will have pictures of them next time I write, as I'm just waiting for the one to heal. Next up is a pin up girl, can't wait for her!
Planning a new shoot too, will hopefully be happening as soon as the sun is shining

I've recently moved house, and thought I may as well use the new surroundings. Will let you know more when I do

p.s Don't forget about my sets in MR already, and thank you to everyone who has already shown it love.
Second p.s Will have more Brighton pics up on my blogspot by the end of the day if work doesn't get too busy

Well, 20 hours of it were work, so... pretty much not there. heh. It's Monday for me until sometime in March, I'm afraid.
Great shots there. I love them