while murkling is being lame and staying home editing my photos (
) I sit here and wish i was sitting next to Palo's perfect breasts watching some good horror movies (it's been so long since i've seen a GOOD horror movie! movies are too long nowadays..).
Now, I know people hate this shit, but I have to rant a little. I always hear people talking about their relationships saying "when it's good, it's so good, and when it's bad, it's real bad." Sometimes this really applies to Patrick and I. I think it's because we love each other so much. For us, though, when it's good... it's unspeakable. There are no words to descrive that kind of love... utter devotion.
It's foriegn to me. Foriegn as hell. Coping with that is hard, I have my walls up, my protective defenses. I'm so used to being hurt, sometimes feeling safe scares me, i get worried I'm going to be back at the bottom again, most likely alone. Right now, I am happy that I've found one person who will actually stand by me, not resent me for our differences in opinion and choices. When it's good, it is so fucking good.

Now, I know people hate this shit, but I have to rant a little. I always hear people talking about their relationships saying "when it's good, it's so good, and when it's bad, it's real bad." Sometimes this really applies to Patrick and I. I think it's because we love each other so much. For us, though, when it's good... it's unspeakable. There are no words to descrive that kind of love... utter devotion.
It's foriegn to me. Foriegn as hell. Coping with that is hard, I have my walls up, my protective defenses. I'm so used to being hurt, sometimes feeling safe scares me, i get worried I'm going to be back at the bottom again, most likely alone. Right now, I am happy that I've found one person who will actually stand by me, not resent me for our differences in opinion and choices. When it's good, it is so fucking good.
It is done ...
