Hey guys, how is everyone and hope you are all as gorgeous as always.
It's been ages since I wrote something substantial here, so I thought it might be time to put my last few months into words here for anyone who might like to read them.
Work has been great, the studio has finished Killzone Mercenary now and we are currently in a quiet period while the tools are set up for our next project and I have to say working on this game for my first in the industry has been really amazing and I'm overjoyed that the studio wants to keep me on as main dev QA tester for the next project, while this does mean that I will be sent to the lovely city of Liverpool for a couple of weeks for more training at Sony's main QA department, it's not all bad and now I can spend time working on my Maya skills to eventually be able to move into asset art or environment art in the future.
To celebrate finishing the game, one of the character artists, who is a pretty amazing baker, whipped up these two celebratory cakes;

Just have the wrap party in a couple of weeks time.
While work has been great the rest of my life hasn't been so, my grandfather passed away last month, he had been suffering from cancer for the last year, so while it wasn't unexpected, it was still a very sad occasion and he will be sorely missed. My relationship with my girlfriend is also having a lot of problems. While I love her very much we a just not really working, whenever I try to organise something to do with her it usually devolves into a massive argument and when I ask her what she wants to do, she calls me boring and uninteresting so I can never win, between this and the problems she has with my work I'm in serious doubt that the relationship will last any longer.
The only good thing is that we are going to the New York comicon this year, I will just have to wait and see if I m going on my own or not.
As always I am currently enjoying some pretty awesome comics, the two I am enjoying most at the moment are;
Which is a awesomely written scifi Wild West comic.
And this is fuelling my joy of dogfights and vapour trails across the sky
I am in the midst of building a new space marine army for Warhammer 40k, Crimson Fist army using the pretty damn beautiful Horus Heresy era models from Forge World.
Anyways that's enough about my boring ass life, hope everyone is having fun.
It's been ages since I wrote something substantial here, so I thought it might be time to put my last few months into words here for anyone who might like to read them.
Work has been great, the studio has finished Killzone Mercenary now and we are currently in a quiet period while the tools are set up for our next project and I have to say working on this game for my first in the industry has been really amazing and I'm overjoyed that the studio wants to keep me on as main dev QA tester for the next project, while this does mean that I will be sent to the lovely city of Liverpool for a couple of weeks for more training at Sony's main QA department, it's not all bad and now I can spend time working on my Maya skills to eventually be able to move into asset art or environment art in the future.
To celebrate finishing the game, one of the character artists, who is a pretty amazing baker, whipped up these two celebratory cakes;

Just have the wrap party in a couple of weeks time.

While work has been great the rest of my life hasn't been so, my grandfather passed away last month, he had been suffering from cancer for the last year, so while it wasn't unexpected, it was still a very sad occasion and he will be sorely missed. My relationship with my girlfriend is also having a lot of problems. While I love her very much we a just not really working, whenever I try to organise something to do with her it usually devolves into a massive argument and when I ask her what she wants to do, she calls me boring and uninteresting so I can never win, between this and the problems she has with my work I'm in serious doubt that the relationship will last any longer.
The only good thing is that we are going to the New York comicon this year, I will just have to wait and see if I m going on my own or not.
As always I am currently enjoying some pretty awesome comics, the two I am enjoying most at the moment are;

Which is a awesomely written scifi Wild West comic.

And this is fuelling my joy of dogfights and vapour trails across the sky

I am in the midst of building a new space marine army for Warhammer 40k, Crimson Fist army using the pretty damn beautiful Horus Heresy era models from Forge World.
Anyways that's enough about my boring ass life, hope everyone is having fun.

Thank you mr! Hope you're good x