Hey guys!
Thought I was about time to blog a bit
I have pretty much launched myself into work and have to say QA testing is pretty enjoyable, the game we are working on is great fun and seeing it develop is pretty awesome even with the long hours a the moment, gotta love crunch. The Sony studio here in Cambridge is great fun to work at and the people here are awesome., even got introduced to Jan Bart Van Beek and Herman Hulst from Guerilla Games (our studio is working for them as developers of Killzone Mercenary) when the popped over from Amsterdam to come to our Christmas Party. It was a little daunting standing there while the QA Lead was telling them how much I had impressed him with my work!
Did get some awesome news about my job, after my contract finishes in May, it's pretty much definite that I will be kept on as QA for the next project the studio undertakes.
That's pretty much my life at the moment due to silly commutes which will be a thing in the past when I move back into Cambridge in January.
Christmas is soon and my birthday is even sooner and I have lots to keep me busy, so have fun everybody, stay beautiful and because it's winter even the drinks have Woolley hats on over here;

Merry Christmas!!!
Thought I was about time to blog a bit

I have pretty much launched myself into work and have to say QA testing is pretty enjoyable, the game we are working on is great fun and seeing it develop is pretty awesome even with the long hours a the moment, gotta love crunch. The Sony studio here in Cambridge is great fun to work at and the people here are awesome., even got introduced to Jan Bart Van Beek and Herman Hulst from Guerilla Games (our studio is working for them as developers of Killzone Mercenary) when the popped over from Amsterdam to come to our Christmas Party. It was a little daunting standing there while the QA Lead was telling them how much I had impressed him with my work!
Did get some awesome news about my job, after my contract finishes in May, it's pretty much definite that I will be kept on as QA for the next project the studio undertakes.

That's pretty much my life at the moment due to silly commutes which will be a thing in the past when I move back into Cambridge in January.
Christmas is soon and my birthday is even sooner and I have lots to keep me busy, so have fun everybody, stay beautiful and because it's winter even the drinks have Woolley hats on over here;

Merry Christmas!!!
Happy Holidays!