Hey guys, hope you all have had a great week, mines been busy and a little bittersweet, it can be hard sometimes around valentines day, but even though I miss her a lot I have so many wonderful memories of her, one of my fondest ones was one thing she said when she didn't want to go upstairs by herself:
'But I'm all scary by myself"
Always brings a smile to my face.
Anyway the rest of my week has been totally busy, at uni I have 3 projects on the go: an A.I system for UDK, character modelling in 3DS Max and integrating MOCAP data into UDK for a little portfolio animation. Aside from this I have lots of other little bits of 3D work to finish and add into my portfolio.
In comics Batman and Red Hood continue to impress, If you haven't picked these two titles up, you should, Kenneth Rocafort's art is beautiful in Red Hood and the Outlaws and Snyder and Capullo continue to tell probably the best Batman story I have read since Hush.
At work we are getting everything ready for another stocktake - lots of fun! Also I was approached by the manager of probably my fav coffee shop CB1 in view to setting up a partnership between them and my comic shop to host friday night magic and other magic the gathering events there.
The only annoying part of this week is that I have managed to loose my wallet, so I have all that to sort out again and to pick a new wallet - I'm a little picky about the wallet I use so that's going to be a hard choice.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and stay yourselves and stay beautiful.
'But I'm all scary by myself"
Always brings a smile to my face.
Anyway the rest of my week has been totally busy, at uni I have 3 projects on the go: an A.I system for UDK, character modelling in 3DS Max and integrating MOCAP data into UDK for a little portfolio animation. Aside from this I have lots of other little bits of 3D work to finish and add into my portfolio.
In comics Batman and Red Hood continue to impress, If you haven't picked these two titles up, you should, Kenneth Rocafort's art is beautiful in Red Hood and the Outlaws and Snyder and Capullo continue to tell probably the best Batman story I have read since Hush.

At work we are getting everything ready for another stocktake - lots of fun! Also I was approached by the manager of probably my fav coffee shop CB1 in view to setting up a partnership between them and my comic shop to host friday night magic and other magic the gathering events there.

The only annoying part of this week is that I have managed to loose my wallet, so I have all that to sort out again and to pick a new wallet - I'm a little picky about the wallet I use so that's going to be a hard choice.
Hope everyone is having a wonderful week and stay yourselves and stay beautiful.
thanks so much for showing some love on my set "Wheres the mad hatter?" 

Thank you hun. xxxx