Hey guys, hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was pretty cool, went to see friends watched Tron Legacy again as well as Bad Lieutenant and Predators. Got some cool stuff in the post and booked a tattoo appointment, busy weekend for me 
Im getting my biggest tattoo yet, going to take a couple of sessions and will look cool, im going for a Thor sketch by Oliver Copiel to go on my left side, its going to look a lot like this:

The first appointment is on wed after work, cant wait
Also got some cool tshirts, two from Superhero Stuff and one from French Connection's sale perfect for work all geeky cool comic tshirts

Im not very good at posing for pictures so sorry about that
At the moment all my housemates are moving back in and the new semester starts in a couple of weeks so its back to the grind of uni work for me, this semester it is lots of cool stuff for me - 3D and 2D animation and principles of video production so it will be challenging and a lot of fun.
How was everyone elses weekend?
Edit: Here is the tattoo, almost finished - did nearly 2 hours of tattooing, pretty painful but looks awesome. Got to go back on the 25th to get the shading finished.

Im getting my biggest tattoo yet, going to take a couple of sessions and will look cool, im going for a Thor sketch by Oliver Copiel to go on my left side, its going to look a lot like this:

The first appointment is on wed after work, cant wait

Also got some cool tshirts, two from Superhero Stuff and one from French Connection's sale perfect for work all geeky cool comic tshirts

Im not very good at posing for pictures so sorry about that

At the moment all my housemates are moving back in and the new semester starts in a couple of weeks so its back to the grind of uni work for me, this semester it is lots of cool stuff for me - 3D and 2D animation and principles of video production so it will be challenging and a lot of fun.

How was everyone elses weekend?
Edit: Here is the tattoo, almost finished - did nearly 2 hours of tattooing, pretty painful but looks awesome. Got to go back on the 25th to get the shading finished.