Fun if very random film i watched with friends this week.
My non existant attempts at relationship has gone from bad to about as worse as it can get, with an incredibly bad break up a few weeks ago that the woman involved is still ripping me to shreds about. I dont know what it is about women, i either end up falling for women who like me because i make them feel good about themselves then i get that wonderful line when they decide im not needed anymore or i find women who like to basically rip every shred of confidence from me. I give up with it all at the moment, seems its just not for me.
Still im looking forward to moving into my new house on Monday, living in a student house with 5 other guys from my uni course for the next two years, all are hardcore gamers so it should be fun. Though one of them is very very squemish (is that how you spell it?) and has led a bit of a sheltered life where films are concerned - it might be a bit of an education for the guy
Im also going to be able to put probably the most beautiful comic statue i have out in my room now (the room is huge!) .
Supergirl based on the art of the sadly departed Micheal Turner.
Anyways nice to get my thoughts down, not that they make much sense and i will leave you with this song:
The message is perfect for everybody - Just be yourself