when did we go from friends to just followers?
Hey everybody, what's been happening in the land of SG while I've been away? :)
It's been a fair while since I last posted a blog on here, really wish I had more time to spend on here, but sadly my time is very limited so here is a little of what I have been up to recently.
Good News: I have been finally made...
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Hey guys, how is everyone and hope you are all as gorgeous as always.
It's been ages since I wrote something substantial here, so I thought it might be time to put my last few months into words here for anyone who might like to read them.
Work has been great, the studio has finished Killzone Mercenary now and we are currently in a...
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It's been ages since I wrote something substantial here, so I thought it might be time to put my last few months into words here for anyone who might like to read them.
Work has been great, the studio has finished Killzone Mercenary now and we are currently in a...
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Thank you mr! Hope you're good x
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi, I miss you guys and ask how you are?
I'm stupidly busy at the moment with work - we are in the last week of development on Killzone Mercenary
We did win some awards at E3 which was pretty awesome.
Anyways have fun and stay gorgeous.

I'm stupidly busy at the moment with work - we are in the last week of development on Killzone Mercenary

We did win some awards at E3 which was pretty awesome.
Anyways have fun and stay gorgeous.

Hi all
Now that I'm sort of settled into my new role at work and understand it I can tell you guys a little about it. I am in charge of Performance Optimisation for Killzone Mercenary, basically what I do is, I get a nice pretty almost finished level and essentially take a chainsaw to the collision of the level to smooth out the play...
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Now that I'm sort of settled into my new role at work and understand it I can tell you guys a little about it. I am in charge of Performance Optimisation for Killzone Mercenary, basically what I do is, I get a nice pretty almost finished level and essentially take a chainsaw to the collision of the level to smooth out the play...
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Thanks for your comments. You're sweet


Hey guys and gorgeous girls, just a quick one from me.
I'm now longer just a QA tester at Guerilla Cambridge, now I am in charge of performance optimisation which is a massive rise in responsibility and a huge workload so I barely get much time in the week for anything really. It's a great opportunity and gives me hope that I will be kept...
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I'm now longer just a QA tester at Guerilla Cambridge, now I am in charge of performance optimisation which is a massive rise in responsibility and a huge workload so I barely get much time in the week for anything really. It's a great opportunity and gives me hope that I will be kept...
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happy Easter

Hi everyone, getting pretty bad at getting on here recently, most of it is due to my job.
It's been a few busy weeks at work, with a major milestone and a press event to get ready for, being a QA tester at Guerilla Cambridge has been busy with 18 straight 10 hour days.
Still it went well and the press coverage was pretty damn...
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It's been a few busy weeks at work, with a major milestone and a press event to get ready for, being a QA tester at Guerilla Cambridge has been busy with 18 straight 10 hour days.

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Ah thank you so much! I actually like that photo a lot too. Typical me coy shy face!
Hope you're good mr x
Hope you're good mr x
Hey guys!
Thought I was about time to blog a bit
I have pretty much launched myself into work and have to say QA testing is pretty enjoyable, the game we are working on is great fun and seeing it develop is pretty awesome even with the long hours a the moment, gotta love crunch. The Sony studio here in Cambridge is great fun to...
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Thought I was about time to blog a bit

I have pretty much launched myself into work and have to say QA testing is pretty enjoyable, the game we are working on is great fun and seeing it develop is pretty awesome even with the long hours a the moment, gotta love crunch. The Sony studio here in Cambridge is great fun to...
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I'm glad stuff is going well for you! ^_^
Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!
thanks for the comment on my set

I will post something a little more substantial at some point this week, just need to find the time. 

hey whats up
whoaaa, where at? so how is the testing going?
It's been a sad day for me, was the funeral of my grandmother, she was a wonderful lady and I will miss her greatly but she will always remain in my heart.