Today is saturday, Saturdays are usually pretty good days. Its been a bitch of a week, with my parents divorce hearing only a few weeks away the insults and greed has been flying around non stop. My sister, ever like my father is still pouting and acting up about the fact that my mom and I are moving. She has always expressed that she wants...
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And thanks for the "happy birthday" blush

your dog is so cute

Thanks for your comment lovely tongue
The urge to stretch my ears out some more has come apon me again. Currently they are at 3/4 in about 19.5 mm. I love streaching my ears, its so much fun! I haven't streached them since april, so I have given them enough time to fully heal, and can once again go at it.
My roomate in new orleans was a piercer, and I...
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thanks for the happy birthday comment. wink
Today is going to be busy I can just feel it. Well, busy and very hot, its already 8:35 and I can feel the heat pushing against me. Have I mentioned my dislike for the heat? That and Sun... Im like a vampire in that aspect... sun and zagan... we don't get along very well. It wants to burn me, and I want to hide...
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Everyone.....go to a library, smell the pages.........
Ray Bradbury

*sigh* books, bookstores, libraries........ kiss
Wow....your shrick sounds great....does she work over the phone? confused biggrin
Glad to hear that there are girls out there like yourself that like romance smile
eeepp.. woke up way too early today! Strange dreams... my life in New Orleans... My old life in Sacramento... and my current life in Sacramento all clash together in my mind when I sleep. People and places all seem to collide together in my dreams. Its quite strange, my dream land is almost the same as the one that I go to when I have...
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frown frown frown frown
Im sorry for you....all that must be so hard. Its no wonder your having bad dreams frown

Hope you dont mind me saying so....but your dad sounds like a total dick mad
And your sister seems to have picked up some of his selfish traits surreal
Its a Sunday... how I despise sunday's. When Sunday comes along one knows that last week has come to an end and one must start a whole new week not knowing what that spanse of time has in store for them. Truely I hate not knowing the Future, however laughable that thought may be.
As of late I have spent my time trying to avoid...
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Dinner wasn't so bad last night, I just stayed quiet and shoved my face full of food! It was good Macaronie grill... Yummie. Today is going to be hot, and I know It I can just feel the air heating up. If I haven't mentioned it before, I can't stand the heat. I think most of my problem with it is the fact that I...
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Doesn't dinner always involve stuffing your face full with food!!! wink smile confused

I hate the sun too, like you, i'm obviously just too pale, or t hough, in my eyes, theres never such a thing. I love being white (except that lovely red glow i get when i drink) too.

I'm tempted to try that sex change line. Does it scare them off??? I might have to do it just to see the look on their faces!!!! biggrin tongue tongue tongue tongue
Glad it wasnt so bad smile

I guess everyone gets annoyed with one or both of thier parents confused
So I have been practicing some sets and you can see them in my Mercenary Practice sets. The lighting is a bit wonky but I am trying to work on it. Sigh... Tonight I have to get together with some old family friends. You know... the type that you haven't seen in years yet your expected to entertain them because they have a daughter your...
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Oh oh....you know what you should do?!?!
When the "family friends" come over you should talk the daughter into doing something naughty wink biggrin biggrin

Oh.....and the new set....SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!
love love love love love
Yeah, as above so below, especially when it comes to religious types. You wouldn't believe the kink I have found in sheltered religious girls. skull i.e The set in my pics folder.

Sometimes people hooked on religion are easily manipulated to think about new ideas. They want something to latch onto, which is how religion serves them, but other ideas can serve the same purpose, if presented in an unthreatning manner.

So I am moving to Canada in October. My mom decided to get a house up there and I have decided to jump along for the ride. I could really use a change of location. This will be my 6th move in the past two years, I am super stoked about it. I guess you could say I am making my grand escape from america......
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By the way.....you still need to visit me biggrin
Thanks, men with long hair are just all so damn sexy!!!!

Even if you get really pissed off with relatives being so close, you an still escape them, and maybe move somewhere less rural. Altough, living in the UK, i would love to live somewhere a bit more rural than Bristol. Its just waaaay to chaotic.

I miss traveling, Sacramento gets so boring some times unfortunately. My mother is currently in Alberta canada looking at new houses, so I may be moving there over the next 6 months or so. Canada is great, I love their political system and their national health care system. Here in America I must say that the health care is pretty crappy. It sucks that the...
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Whatever you do good luck smile
If you like traveling so much you should come visit me biggrin
Just travel, and maybe, while your doing it, you'll find a job, and a country/city that you'll love. smile
Still hot today, have to go down to sunrise, which sucks cause I hate going out in the heat. Its sad because I think I spend most of my summer days sleeping. I could go out drinking, but then again I don't want to run into bitch girl again and get in another fight. Next time I don't know weather or not Ill get hit...
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Steal other peoples alcohol, just don't get attached to bed posts using handcuffs that are solid steel and don't come off when they break, that was scary. Cute pics... wink
And even in drag your hot love
It really is wise to avoid things that get you in trouble....be it crazy tire iron swinging bitches or drugs smile