The M theory in its most basic form presents that we live in a membrane known as the Universe and it is only one of infinite membranes or parallel universes existing in a large Multiverse. Part of the M theory is that our universe can be described merely as a bubble in the ocean existing alongside other bubbles in the ocean each with its own laws of physics. As a part of quantum mechanics, it has been known that particles have the ability to exist in more than one place at the same time. The best explanation that anybody has been able to come up with is that the particles dont just exist in our universe.
Part of the M Theory is the Theory of Super strings, which states that matter emitted from these tiny strings, quite like music is emitted from a string instrument. The way that I heard this described was that its almost as if the Universe is like an Orchestra, that the laws of physics are the harmony of this super sting. The theory however fell apart when put up against the notion of the 10 dimensions that scientists had discovered of space and time. However this theory was later reconstructed by adding an 11th dimension, a dimension which seemed to answer all the unknown equations about the super string theory.
Basically the M Theory along with the super string theory is the theory of everything. The perfect answer about this universe, the big bang, and how matter came to form. What it is, is that the tiny invisible strings of the string theory is that they are supposed to be the fundamental building block of all the matter in the Universe, but with the addition of the Eleventh dimension they have changed. The strings inevitably stretched, and combined to come to one startling conclusion: that all the matter in the Universe was connected to one vast structure: A membrane. In effect, our Entire universe is a membrane.
First of all we have to explain this 11th dimension, which basically is so tiny, that it exists only one trillionth of a millimeter, from every point in our three dimensional world. Its closer than your clothes to your body, yet we cant even sense it. In this mysterious space our membrane Universe is floating. At first no one could imagine how that worked. Then some suggested it might float like a thin rubber sheet. Others that it might be more like a bubble which vibrated as it was blown aimlessly across hyperspace. If all this wasn't surreal enough, it was then proposed that there might be another membrane universe pulsating at the opposite end of the eleventh dimension. At first this idea wasn't taken very seriously, but eventually it would be re-examined for physics was about to ask whether our Universe was really alone.
One of the questions that constantly has come about was the weakness of gravity. Gravity certainly does not look weak in everyday life. It's responsible for keeping our feet on the ground and keeping Earth spinning around the Sun and so on, but actually gravity is incredibly weak compared to the, to the other forces. This is easy to appreciate if you take an ordinary refrigerator magnet and stick it on top of a metal pin. We all know this fridge magnet will actually pick that pin up off the table, so that sort of dramatically illustrates how feeble gravity is compared even to the magnetic force of a tiny fridge magnet. It turns out that there are very new ideas on how to explain the weakness of gravity if we have extra dimensions. When left to think about it scientists wondered weather or not gravity might be leaking from our world onto the empty space of the eleventh dimension. Scientists tried to calculate how gravity could leak from our membrane Universe into empty space, but she couldn't make it work. Then they heard the theory that there might be another membrane in the eleventh dimension. Now they had a really strange thought. What if gravity wasn't leaking from our Universe but to it? What if it came from that other universe? On that membrane, or brane, gravity would be as strong as the other forces, but by the time it reached us it would only be a faint signal. Now when they reworked their calculations everything fitted exactly.
The weakness of gravity could at last be explained, but only by introducing the idea of a parallel universe. The Scientists idea opened a Pandora's Box. Now suddenly physicists all over the world piled into the eleventh dimension trying to solve age-old problems and every time it seemed the perfect explanation was another parallel universe. Everywhere they looked it seemed they began to find more and more of them. From every corner of the eleventh dimension parallel universes came crawling out of the woodwork. Some took the form of three-dimensional membranes, like our own Universe. Others were merely sheets of energy. Then there were cylindrical and even looped membranes. Within no time at all the eleventh dimension seemed to be jam-packed full of membranes. Each of these membranes was a possible other universe. M Theory had unwittingly made the idea of parallel universes respectable.
M Theory was getting stranger and stranger, but could it really be a theory which explained everything in our Universe? To have any chance of that it would have to do something no other rival theory had ever been able to do. It would have to make sense of the baffling singularity at the beginning of the Big Bang. M Theory was about to come up with a suitably outrageous answer and parallel universes would be at the very heart of it. The parallel universes move through the eleventh dimension like waves and like any wave these would ripple. It was the ripples which went on to cause the clumps of matter after the Big Bang. They finally had their complete explanation of the birth of our Universe and now they could do something even more profound. They could take the laws of physics back in time to the moment of the Big Bang and through to the other side.
All information is from resources like the science channel and the BBC.
Part of the M Theory is the Theory of Super strings, which states that matter emitted from these tiny strings, quite like music is emitted from a string instrument. The way that I heard this described was that its almost as if the Universe is like an Orchestra, that the laws of physics are the harmony of this super sting. The theory however fell apart when put up against the notion of the 10 dimensions that scientists had discovered of space and time. However this theory was later reconstructed by adding an 11th dimension, a dimension which seemed to answer all the unknown equations about the super string theory.
Basically the M Theory along with the super string theory is the theory of everything. The perfect answer about this universe, the big bang, and how matter came to form. What it is, is that the tiny invisible strings of the string theory is that they are supposed to be the fundamental building block of all the matter in the Universe, but with the addition of the Eleventh dimension they have changed. The strings inevitably stretched, and combined to come to one startling conclusion: that all the matter in the Universe was connected to one vast structure: A membrane. In effect, our Entire universe is a membrane.
First of all we have to explain this 11th dimension, which basically is so tiny, that it exists only one trillionth of a millimeter, from every point in our three dimensional world. Its closer than your clothes to your body, yet we cant even sense it. In this mysterious space our membrane Universe is floating. At first no one could imagine how that worked. Then some suggested it might float like a thin rubber sheet. Others that it might be more like a bubble which vibrated as it was blown aimlessly across hyperspace. If all this wasn't surreal enough, it was then proposed that there might be another membrane universe pulsating at the opposite end of the eleventh dimension. At first this idea wasn't taken very seriously, but eventually it would be re-examined for physics was about to ask whether our Universe was really alone.
One of the questions that constantly has come about was the weakness of gravity. Gravity certainly does not look weak in everyday life. It's responsible for keeping our feet on the ground and keeping Earth spinning around the Sun and so on, but actually gravity is incredibly weak compared to the, to the other forces. This is easy to appreciate if you take an ordinary refrigerator magnet and stick it on top of a metal pin. We all know this fridge magnet will actually pick that pin up off the table, so that sort of dramatically illustrates how feeble gravity is compared even to the magnetic force of a tiny fridge magnet. It turns out that there are very new ideas on how to explain the weakness of gravity if we have extra dimensions. When left to think about it scientists wondered weather or not gravity might be leaking from our world onto the empty space of the eleventh dimension. Scientists tried to calculate how gravity could leak from our membrane Universe into empty space, but she couldn't make it work. Then they heard the theory that there might be another membrane in the eleventh dimension. Now they had a really strange thought. What if gravity wasn't leaking from our Universe but to it? What if it came from that other universe? On that membrane, or brane, gravity would be as strong as the other forces, but by the time it reached us it would only be a faint signal. Now when they reworked their calculations everything fitted exactly.
The weakness of gravity could at last be explained, but only by introducing the idea of a parallel universe. The Scientists idea opened a Pandora's Box. Now suddenly physicists all over the world piled into the eleventh dimension trying to solve age-old problems and every time it seemed the perfect explanation was another parallel universe. Everywhere they looked it seemed they began to find more and more of them. From every corner of the eleventh dimension parallel universes came crawling out of the woodwork. Some took the form of three-dimensional membranes, like our own Universe. Others were merely sheets of energy. Then there were cylindrical and even looped membranes. Within no time at all the eleventh dimension seemed to be jam-packed full of membranes. Each of these membranes was a possible other universe. M Theory had unwittingly made the idea of parallel universes respectable.
M Theory was getting stranger and stranger, but could it really be a theory which explained everything in our Universe? To have any chance of that it would have to do something no other rival theory had ever been able to do. It would have to make sense of the baffling singularity at the beginning of the Big Bang. M Theory was about to come up with a suitably outrageous answer and parallel universes would be at the very heart of it. The parallel universes move through the eleventh dimension like waves and like any wave these would ripple. It was the ripples which went on to cause the clumps of matter after the Big Bang. They finally had their complete explanation of the birth of our Universe and now they could do something even more profound. They could take the laws of physics back in time to the moment of the Big Bang and through to the other side.
All information is from resources like the science channel and the BBC.
you like good music and i like your profile picture..pretty !
