Contradictions... like a poke in the brain.
We assume to know many things, but in the end truly we really know nothing. I take part in this flaw of humanity myself, like any young adult would, yet in my lifetime I know that I will learn more, and change my assumptions on what I know frequently throughout the course of it. In the end I know I will know more than I know now but I will still barely grasp the world in which I live in, both past, present and future of it. It is merely the way of things, and it is not humanly possible to know everything, even if we blind ourselves into thinking that we are all knowing.
Merely what we are left with is our hypothesis of things, and the information we have gained to back up this hypothesis. Simply put we can only learn what we hypothesis and can only come to one conclusion, that conclusion comes forth with evidence we have found and applied to that hypothesis. Thus I will only know one simple portion of things because in a lifetime it is hard for us to learn various hypothesis both because of the way the human state is, and often time having more than one hypothesis on life would contradict the other.
Life is full of contradictions and chaotic explanations, I would never be able to be both a Atheist and a theorist for religion and science simply put totally contradict each other. Thus my portion of life that will be divined by the end of my time will probably be completely different that a person who has a religious persuasion of things. Which doesnt mean that I am any more right than he is right, merely my beliefs are that of a scientific enlightenment and his of a religious one. The answers that I may gain on both my existence in the past, present and future tense, will be quite different than a religious take on these things.
Simply that is just the way things are, and me knowing what I know will can never truly hold firm and unwavering belief in the religious mind set because the contradictory evidence could never truly make my belief firm.
Knowing this however, has caused me to frequently be interested in matters of religion, both mainstream and occult, for maybe sometimes answers to lifes questions wont always be contradicted by the other. I hope to find some truth by balancing these beliefs, somehow, but I can never take religion (western) seriously. Eastern religion on the other hand Is much more peaceful than that of the western take and much easier to be sympathetic towards and wish to learn about.
Unfortunately because I find western religion, especially Christianity so hysterical, I will probably never set my mind to unraveling its coils of profound confused logic. Thus this chapter of life will probably forever be closed to me, and I am very much so a Hypocrite for challenging and putting it down so. However me being a naive young adult it never passes my mind not to Put it down every chance that I get. Past experiences with those involved in the Christian faith have totally closed my mind to learning anything useful about the religion. And have increasingly sparked my anger at anything related to that specific faith.
Yet, there seems to be not so much loss there, for I have found very few Christians willing to look outside the box, but that shouldnt be my answer for my not wanting to learn about them. I cannot fathom a religion so ruled by fear and ignorance got such a high amount of followers. And because of my prejudices I will probably never know. I am not proud of the fact that I hate Christianity, my reasons behind it are no more concrete than anyone who hates anybody else. Just from childhood experience and continuing to be a witness of the ignorance of fate and what it does to people, I just cant in my right mind bring myself to touch a bible or read anything within its pages. Also, its just plain gouge your eyes out boring.
I have researched the pains that the Christian religion has brought upon people. Their dislike for scientific knowledge, that in the past they would burn people at the stake who thought differently than the church did, and imposed their stupid inquisition. How is that loving your fucking neighbor? Or is it love your neighbor only if he is Christian and burn the fucking rest of them and send them straight to hell? Its sad because their actions and their beliefs frequently contradict themselves in a very unhealthy way.
Contradictions are everywhere in life, I guess no body can escape them, but fucking god lord Satan, if the Christians dont get the fucking cake for contradictions.
Okay I am now going to stop my rant and pet the small cat on my bed. Meow.
We assume to know many things, but in the end truly we really know nothing. I take part in this flaw of humanity myself, like any young adult would, yet in my lifetime I know that I will learn more, and change my assumptions on what I know frequently throughout the course of it. In the end I know I will know more than I know now but I will still barely grasp the world in which I live in, both past, present and future of it. It is merely the way of things, and it is not humanly possible to know everything, even if we blind ourselves into thinking that we are all knowing.
Merely what we are left with is our hypothesis of things, and the information we have gained to back up this hypothesis. Simply put we can only learn what we hypothesis and can only come to one conclusion, that conclusion comes forth with evidence we have found and applied to that hypothesis. Thus I will only know one simple portion of things because in a lifetime it is hard for us to learn various hypothesis both because of the way the human state is, and often time having more than one hypothesis on life would contradict the other.
Life is full of contradictions and chaotic explanations, I would never be able to be both a Atheist and a theorist for religion and science simply put totally contradict each other. Thus my portion of life that will be divined by the end of my time will probably be completely different that a person who has a religious persuasion of things. Which doesnt mean that I am any more right than he is right, merely my beliefs are that of a scientific enlightenment and his of a religious one. The answers that I may gain on both my existence in the past, present and future tense, will be quite different than a religious take on these things.
Simply that is just the way things are, and me knowing what I know will can never truly hold firm and unwavering belief in the religious mind set because the contradictory evidence could never truly make my belief firm.
Knowing this however, has caused me to frequently be interested in matters of religion, both mainstream and occult, for maybe sometimes answers to lifes questions wont always be contradicted by the other. I hope to find some truth by balancing these beliefs, somehow, but I can never take religion (western) seriously. Eastern religion on the other hand Is much more peaceful than that of the western take and much easier to be sympathetic towards and wish to learn about.
Unfortunately because I find western religion, especially Christianity so hysterical, I will probably never set my mind to unraveling its coils of profound confused logic. Thus this chapter of life will probably forever be closed to me, and I am very much so a Hypocrite for challenging and putting it down so. However me being a naive young adult it never passes my mind not to Put it down every chance that I get. Past experiences with those involved in the Christian faith have totally closed my mind to learning anything useful about the religion. And have increasingly sparked my anger at anything related to that specific faith.
Yet, there seems to be not so much loss there, for I have found very few Christians willing to look outside the box, but that shouldnt be my answer for my not wanting to learn about them. I cannot fathom a religion so ruled by fear and ignorance got such a high amount of followers. And because of my prejudices I will probably never know. I am not proud of the fact that I hate Christianity, my reasons behind it are no more concrete than anyone who hates anybody else. Just from childhood experience and continuing to be a witness of the ignorance of fate and what it does to people, I just cant in my right mind bring myself to touch a bible or read anything within its pages. Also, its just plain gouge your eyes out boring.
I have researched the pains that the Christian religion has brought upon people. Their dislike for scientific knowledge, that in the past they would burn people at the stake who thought differently than the church did, and imposed their stupid inquisition. How is that loving your fucking neighbor? Or is it love your neighbor only if he is Christian and burn the fucking rest of them and send them straight to hell? Its sad because their actions and their beliefs frequently contradict themselves in a very unhealthy way.
Contradictions are everywhere in life, I guess no body can escape them, but fucking god lord Satan, if the Christians dont get the fucking cake for contradictions.
Okay I am now going to stop my rant and pet the small cat on my bed. Meow.
Somethings we will never know. Not in this life anyway. But its still fun to guess on how things are My personal opinion.....I think every REAL religion (As in the ones that were NOT created just to controll people ) has a small piece of the whole picture that they have based the entire religion on. Like...say....Buddism s piece might be reincarnation. So if somehow you can sort out what piece is the ral thing that started each religion...then you can see how things really are