I must admit that I miss California, but that is a given, whenever I leave California, I always miss it. Its not that Edmonton is a bad place, because it isnt, just quieter and more peaceful than the hustle and bustle of Sacramento. I guess California is one of the more unique places that I have been, people who live there are every nationality, every religion and from every sector of society. The Cultures in California are so rich and have so many influences that it is hard to duplicate anywhere else. I have noticed that those in California are more mature than there counterparts in Edmonton, although not quite as jaded as their counterparts in New Orleans. Then again most of my friends in New Orleans were drug dealers and strippers, so I guess that really does force ones self into a state of unfeeling Jadedness.
I have noticed that People in California, as well as various other states in the U.S. have had to grow up a lot faster than the Canadians. You can tell just by looking at them (my Californian Friends) that they have seen more hardships and were forced to mature much more quickly than the Canadians. The eyes are truly the window to the soul, and here in Canada one can look upon many whom are my age and still see the sparkle of youth within them. Its as if they see the world through these Rose colored glasses, not saying that all of them are overtly happy people or anything, but its as if they still think years younger than those I know In California. They hand over their trust and friendship way more easily than those I know from Sacramento and San Francisco, and even more easily than I do.
This probably all has to do with the Canadian culture, a culture of peace and the fact that the stress levels and the hardships that Americans have to deal with on a daily bases arent here. The Americans are way more guarded people, both mentally and emotionally, and that is a given because Americans are truly ass holes and will walk over anybody to get ahead so one must guard themselves more readily than the peaceful Canadians have to. Coming here from the states and Living here feels like Alice falling through the rabbit hole, the social and cultural differences as well as the personal ones are so vast its like jumping over the grand canyon.
I mean from grade school many of us in America are confronted with unsavory and bullish people. We get taunted, tormented and humiliated by our peers more often than naught so many of us grow up in a state of discord. Americans begin to deal with stress at a much younger age than the Canadians have to. However through these hardships and dealings we learn very valuable lessons on how to deal with people how to charm those who view us as enemies and how to play socialization games to such a point that even in front of those we hate we can charm their asses off. We learn through these hardships how to pin point certain personalities on sight and how to use this to our advantage. Americans are great analyzers of other people, all of us critical, and many of us really good at reading others.
In Canada all are welcomed, smiled at and talked to from what I have been able to discern many of them cannot read past initial appearances. Not that this is a bad thing, I actually find it a bit of a comfort to the highly manipulative and competitive world of the state, but very different from what I am used to. In America we are forced to learn things just to keep up with the times and as to not feel like outcasts. Much of the time just to be able to hold our own in a conversation and as to not come off like a jackass. I have found that in America even the most socially downtrodden people know about politics and public issues, while in Canada that is not so true. They dont have to, many people here are not forced to function in a somewhat hostile environment and are not forced to use whatever means (education and knowledge) to get ahead.
In America people start work at a very young age, while in Canada I have noticed people dont usually begin working until they are out of high school and sometimes even college. It is probably because of the many social programs that they have implemented here that it is not necessary. In America many of my friends had to work in high school just to get spending money (like myself) and some even to help their parents out with rent. I started work at the age of 13 teaching Hebrew to 4th graders at my Synagogue. Here In all the places that I have been to I have not noticed a worker under the age of 18, its just really strange to me.
In California I am very much able to hold long and drawn out intelligent conversations with people who are not in College and who have never been to college. Here it is not so, many who are not in college here are much more uneducated than those whom are in college. Through these sorts of observations I would have to say that the American social structure has some sort of element in it that causes the people to mature and grow up much faster than those in the Canadian world. I think most of it comes from the fact that America is so damn hostile and growing up there can be really difficult. People in America have to resort to different tactics and ways of living in order to fully function in society.
Here I have yet to meet an individual that has done any other drug than weed. This is really strange to me because many of the people who I knew in California have tried drugs in a young age and have done a lot of them in order to cope with their circumstances. Here in Canada people dont do that, I think mostly because there is so much less stress and less hostility to be confronted here that the people dont have to use desperate means in order to get on in life.
I do know those who havent done drugs in California, but many of them are way more mature than those whom are the same age as them here. Its as if by coming here all the young adults (ages 19-25) seem so much younger almost like teenagers twittering away about the most shallow things. That is Unless they are or have gone to school (college), then they are much more up to par and much more sociable.
Its as if the issues that we have to deal with in the United States that make us who we are, arent issues here. There is a very low rate of teen pregnancy (in the U.S I know a great deal of very young parents) and a much lower rate of Drug abuse, mental issues, and over all stress. Its not as if those are great things, but for many of us it makes us who we are, and allows us to cope better and deal better with difficult situations, and has also caused many of us to grow up faster.
Overall I have to say that young Americans are much more equipped to deal with the reality of the world than Young Canadians. Weather the reasons behind that be social ones or personal ones of this I am not so sure, but for whatever reasons the differences between the two people are quite vast.
So to say the least I am going to try and get into school here rather quickly in order to um. More (sociable?) people. In no way do I think that I am better than these people what so ever, merely we have led different lives. The people here are in many ways very, very sheltered individuals. Not that I find this bad, I mean truly I would love have been able to grow up in this sort of Environment where the stresses that many have to deal with on a daily bases are non existent. However, I have not and it really does make me feel like the odd one out.
Just hanging out in a club makes me feel almost like I walked into an underage club in the U.S. It is just that different. Everything from what is discussed to how people act are REALLY different. I must say that it makes me a bit uncomfortable, and really I do feel out of place. I am quite envious that the Canadians are so Carefree and so trusting of one another, it truly is a interesting quality that I have run across. It makes me feel like jaded piece of shit that I cant be like that. I really cant stop sizing people up and analyzing their actions and reactions like many Americans do.
Its really strange that I feel so out of place, but I am handling it to the best of my abilities. Tell me your thoughts on the subject I would love to hear them.
I have noticed that People in California, as well as various other states in the U.S. have had to grow up a lot faster than the Canadians. You can tell just by looking at them (my Californian Friends) that they have seen more hardships and were forced to mature much more quickly than the Canadians. The eyes are truly the window to the soul, and here in Canada one can look upon many whom are my age and still see the sparkle of youth within them. Its as if they see the world through these Rose colored glasses, not saying that all of them are overtly happy people or anything, but its as if they still think years younger than those I know In California. They hand over their trust and friendship way more easily than those I know from Sacramento and San Francisco, and even more easily than I do.
This probably all has to do with the Canadian culture, a culture of peace and the fact that the stress levels and the hardships that Americans have to deal with on a daily bases arent here. The Americans are way more guarded people, both mentally and emotionally, and that is a given because Americans are truly ass holes and will walk over anybody to get ahead so one must guard themselves more readily than the peaceful Canadians have to. Coming here from the states and Living here feels like Alice falling through the rabbit hole, the social and cultural differences as well as the personal ones are so vast its like jumping over the grand canyon.
I mean from grade school many of us in America are confronted with unsavory and bullish people. We get taunted, tormented and humiliated by our peers more often than naught so many of us grow up in a state of discord. Americans begin to deal with stress at a much younger age than the Canadians have to. However through these hardships and dealings we learn very valuable lessons on how to deal with people how to charm those who view us as enemies and how to play socialization games to such a point that even in front of those we hate we can charm their asses off. We learn through these hardships how to pin point certain personalities on sight and how to use this to our advantage. Americans are great analyzers of other people, all of us critical, and many of us really good at reading others.
In Canada all are welcomed, smiled at and talked to from what I have been able to discern many of them cannot read past initial appearances. Not that this is a bad thing, I actually find it a bit of a comfort to the highly manipulative and competitive world of the state, but very different from what I am used to. In America we are forced to learn things just to keep up with the times and as to not feel like outcasts. Much of the time just to be able to hold our own in a conversation and as to not come off like a jackass. I have found that in America even the most socially downtrodden people know about politics and public issues, while in Canada that is not so true. They dont have to, many people here are not forced to function in a somewhat hostile environment and are not forced to use whatever means (education and knowledge) to get ahead.
In America people start work at a very young age, while in Canada I have noticed people dont usually begin working until they are out of high school and sometimes even college. It is probably because of the many social programs that they have implemented here that it is not necessary. In America many of my friends had to work in high school just to get spending money (like myself) and some even to help their parents out with rent. I started work at the age of 13 teaching Hebrew to 4th graders at my Synagogue. Here In all the places that I have been to I have not noticed a worker under the age of 18, its just really strange to me.
In California I am very much able to hold long and drawn out intelligent conversations with people who are not in College and who have never been to college. Here it is not so, many who are not in college here are much more uneducated than those whom are in college. Through these sorts of observations I would have to say that the American social structure has some sort of element in it that causes the people to mature and grow up much faster than those in the Canadian world. I think most of it comes from the fact that America is so damn hostile and growing up there can be really difficult. People in America have to resort to different tactics and ways of living in order to fully function in society.
Here I have yet to meet an individual that has done any other drug than weed. This is really strange to me because many of the people who I knew in California have tried drugs in a young age and have done a lot of them in order to cope with their circumstances. Here in Canada people dont do that, I think mostly because there is so much less stress and less hostility to be confronted here that the people dont have to use desperate means in order to get on in life.
I do know those who havent done drugs in California, but many of them are way more mature than those whom are the same age as them here. Its as if by coming here all the young adults (ages 19-25) seem so much younger almost like teenagers twittering away about the most shallow things. That is Unless they are or have gone to school (college), then they are much more up to par and much more sociable.
Its as if the issues that we have to deal with in the United States that make us who we are, arent issues here. There is a very low rate of teen pregnancy (in the U.S I know a great deal of very young parents) and a much lower rate of Drug abuse, mental issues, and over all stress. Its not as if those are great things, but for many of us it makes us who we are, and allows us to cope better and deal better with difficult situations, and has also caused many of us to grow up faster.
Overall I have to say that young Americans are much more equipped to deal with the reality of the world than Young Canadians. Weather the reasons behind that be social ones or personal ones of this I am not so sure, but for whatever reasons the differences between the two people are quite vast.
So to say the least I am going to try and get into school here rather quickly in order to um. More (sociable?) people. In no way do I think that I am better than these people what so ever, merely we have led different lives. The people here are in many ways very, very sheltered individuals. Not that I find this bad, I mean truly I would love have been able to grow up in this sort of Environment where the stresses that many have to deal with on a daily bases are non existent. However, I have not and it really does make me feel like the odd one out.
Just hanging out in a club makes me feel almost like I walked into an underage club in the U.S. It is just that different. Everything from what is discussed to how people act are REALLY different. I must say that it makes me a bit uncomfortable, and really I do feel out of place. I am quite envious that the Canadians are so Carefree and so trusting of one another, it truly is a interesting quality that I have run across. It makes me feel like jaded piece of shit that I cant be like that. I really cant stop sizing people up and analyzing their actions and reactions like many Americans do.
Its really strange that I feel so out of place, but I am handling it to the best of my abilities. Tell me your thoughts on the subject I would love to hear them.

i also think that where you are in canada has a efect on which type of people you meet in your area. the people say in vancover, toronto or monteal would be more mature in the areas that you just decribed. although its true that canadians have a lot less stress to deal with when they are young its a product of living in our culture, but im not to sure if we're less equiuped to go through life in gerneral, i would think that we would be ill equiped to go throug life in the USA. but i think that people would be going through the same disorientaion as you are going through right now if we were living donw there. but people would get through it regardless

well there very rough and i need to get a proper tripod for stuff like that. but i know you love being in canada dispite all the changes in your life and all. well at least that what you say in here at least
im sure there has been many things that you have gone through that i could never imagine but i think all people have that to a certain extent and that what makes us all who we are and shapes us into the unique things that we are now