Arrrg! I have Black No. 1 by Type O negative so stuck in my head its driving me Crazy! You can check out some of their music videos if you want to at
Type O negative
Halloween, one of my favorite holidays, was spent sitting at home drinking hot coco and dancing around like a crazed lunatic to music on my computer. Although uneventful it was still somewhat nicer than sitting on the cold floor doing nothing. I still have yet to meet up with anybody in the area though I am soon that will change.
Also if you are dying of boredom as I am right now and the Type O negative videos have done nothing to ease it check out the 69 eyes music videos for Lost boys and Devils. I love the Lost boys video because it is a take off of the lost boys movie which I found completely great when I was younger.
69 Eyes Website
The videos are right below the 69 eyes banner.
Or if Goth rock is not what you would like for today and want to check out some EBM than check out Apoptygma Berzerks or wolfsheims new videos
Apoptygma BerzerkCheck out their in this together music video clip.
Praga Khan and Wolfshim Video's Check out Wolfsheims Find you here music video.
Outside everything is covered with a quaint layer of frost and it is quite beautifully foggy. I would have to say that it truly is quite beautiful here, with the puddles covered in ice and the are a smoky mist. Although, quite cold I am still not used to it and the moving van filled with all my warm clothes has been put off again! It still pleases me to be here.
I went to that blasted west Edmonton mall yesterday and holey shit was that place a bit overwhelming. I would be happy if I didnt ever step foot in that place again! I dont even know how any of the stores there stay in business because they all are pretty similar and I dont know how many pairs of underwear one could buy especially in this cold ass climate! Besides being a lot of the same and really confusing everything there is so overpriced that if one were to shop there on a regular basis one could go quite bankrupt.
Well this is going to have to be it for now Currently there is nothing much to write about I could bitch about my arse being sore for a few more sentences or how stupid our moving company is but that would get really old.
So I am going to leave off with one more music video link for your viewing pleasure.
Check out Zeromancers Dr. Online Music videoZeromancer
Want something weirder? Check out THrill kill kults.. cooler than Jesus music video
Thrill Kill Kult
Type O negative
Halloween, one of my favorite holidays, was spent sitting at home drinking hot coco and dancing around like a crazed lunatic to music on my computer. Although uneventful it was still somewhat nicer than sitting on the cold floor doing nothing. I still have yet to meet up with anybody in the area though I am soon that will change.
Also if you are dying of boredom as I am right now and the Type O negative videos have done nothing to ease it check out the 69 eyes music videos for Lost boys and Devils. I love the Lost boys video because it is a take off of the lost boys movie which I found completely great when I was younger.
69 Eyes Website
The videos are right below the 69 eyes banner.
Or if Goth rock is not what you would like for today and want to check out some EBM than check out Apoptygma Berzerks or wolfsheims new videos
Apoptygma BerzerkCheck out their in this together music video clip.
Praga Khan and Wolfshim Video's Check out Wolfsheims Find you here music video.
Outside everything is covered with a quaint layer of frost and it is quite beautifully foggy. I would have to say that it truly is quite beautiful here, with the puddles covered in ice and the are a smoky mist. Although, quite cold I am still not used to it and the moving van filled with all my warm clothes has been put off again! It still pleases me to be here.
I went to that blasted west Edmonton mall yesterday and holey shit was that place a bit overwhelming. I would be happy if I didnt ever step foot in that place again! I dont even know how any of the stores there stay in business because they all are pretty similar and I dont know how many pairs of underwear one could buy especially in this cold ass climate! Besides being a lot of the same and really confusing everything there is so overpriced that if one were to shop there on a regular basis one could go quite bankrupt.
Well this is going to have to be it for now Currently there is nothing much to write about I could bitch about my arse being sore for a few more sentences or how stupid our moving company is but that would get really old.
So I am going to leave off with one more music video link for your viewing pleasure.
Check out Zeromancers Dr. Online Music videoZeromancer
Want something weirder? Check out THrill kill kults.. cooler than Jesus music video
Thrill Kill Kult
There is something about the way that you write that keeps me drooling
[Edited on Nov 02, 2005 3:56PM]
Your new home sounds really great cutie..(even though I HATE cold)
I love halloween too. My favorite day of the year and about the only set day that I look forward too