Still here! I spose I'm not leaving quite as soon as anticipated, but by the year's end most definitely.
In the mean time, I present a photogasm:
This first bunch is from a shoot at Durand Eastman in Roch, NY -- Photographer: Arcane Studio

Andrew's Visit in Rochester:

Making hard decisions. Namely to remain in Rochester a bit longer than intended... but for very good cause. I plan to get certified in film preservation at the George Eastman House. A very unique program that attracts a quite a bit of international attention.
Hope all is well with you.
In the mean time, I present a photogasm:
This first bunch is from a shoot at Durand Eastman in Roch, NY -- Photographer: Arcane Studio

Andrew's Visit in Rochester:

Making hard decisions. Namely to remain in Rochester a bit longer than intended... but for very good cause. I plan to get certified in film preservation at the George Eastman House. A very unique program that attracts a quite a bit of international attention.
Hope all is well with you.
I love all the pics. The ones of you andAndrew are beautiful. The other ones just verify how sensual you are. But I knew that already.
Will we still be able to communicate with each other when you're no longer on SG? I really hope so. I've come to feel close to you as a friend. Let me know how we can stay in touch if that's okay with you.