Karaoke and tequila last night.
Pedialyte and bad reality TV this morning.
This image of my ribs cracking and my chest splitting open so I can tickle my heart seems burned on the brain.
The idea of a strip show where she slides out of her cheap PVC tube dress, slinks out of her cheesy glitter thong, peels off the skin over her breasts, strips off her face, bends over in front of you to let you see the intricacies of her muscles as she pulls back the skin of her thighs and throws a flap of flesh from her puss to you... When she gives you a table dance, her small intestines unravel in front of you before straddles it for some new kind of pussy floss; you have to wear a thick vinyl apron to tolerate her lapdance, lest she leaves a slimy trail of blood and body fluids on your thighs and chest.
The most exciting part is when you look into your lover's eyes and see that openness where, just for this moment, they are completely open to you and whatever infections you may have leaking (cuerpo y alma) and it's right then that you up the ante and disgust them... I get off on watching my lover work through the disgust or anger or whatever it may be to get back to me... Forcing them to come to terms, if only for a moment, with some sexual intersection with something they loathe.
Pedialyte and bad reality TV this morning.
This image of my ribs cracking and my chest splitting open so I can tickle my heart seems burned on the brain.
The idea of a strip show where she slides out of her cheap PVC tube dress, slinks out of her cheesy glitter thong, peels off the skin over her breasts, strips off her face, bends over in front of you to let you see the intricacies of her muscles as she pulls back the skin of her thighs and throws a flap of flesh from her puss to you... When she gives you a table dance, her small intestines unravel in front of you before straddles it for some new kind of pussy floss; you have to wear a thick vinyl apron to tolerate her lapdance, lest she leaves a slimy trail of blood and body fluids on your thighs and chest.
The most exciting part is when you look into your lover's eyes and see that openness where, just for this moment, they are completely open to you and whatever infections you may have leaking (cuerpo y alma) and it's right then that you up the ante and disgust them... I get off on watching my lover work through the disgust or anger or whatever it may be to get back to me... Forcing them to come to terms, if only for a moment, with some sexual intersection with something they loathe.
It's like Hellraiser in a strip club. I'm going to be thinking about this all day now. Thank you!
Very nice.