I just met someone involved in suspensions in Chicago. Yowza yowza!! She said she'd hook me up (hyulk hyulk). FINALLY
I don't know if my throat glands could be any more swollen. I am downing the homeopathic shit like crack
Things are changing and I suppose my body is taking the hit. I don't know how to deal with real life affection of the romantic variety. I don't want to hurt anyone, but fuck, why can't we just be friends? Or collaborating artists? I don't like when I have to staunch my sex talk for fear that you may take it the wrong way.
C'est la vie. working on my set, still. Buying fun knick knacks for it. Trying to become a greasy gym rat.
Nothing else. Rubbing elbows with the higher ups in the directing curriculum at Columbia to hopefully win myself a chair in the Practicum for the Spring. I think I can do it. But I can get cocky easily too.
meh. rock out with your cock out. I'm ready to go home. (seven days to florida. 12 days until I go home)
I don't know if my throat glands could be any more swollen. I am downing the homeopathic shit like crack
Things are changing and I suppose my body is taking the hit. I don't know how to deal with real life affection of the romantic variety. I don't want to hurt anyone, but fuck, why can't we just be friends? Or collaborating artists? I don't like when I have to staunch my sex talk for fear that you may take it the wrong way.
C'est la vie. working on my set, still. Buying fun knick knacks for it. Trying to become a greasy gym rat.
Nothing else. Rubbing elbows with the higher ups in the directing curriculum at Columbia to hopefully win myself a chair in the Practicum for the Spring. I think I can do it. But I can get cocky easily too.
meh. rock out with your cock out. I'm ready to go home. (seven days to florida. 12 days until I go home)
A. My own romance skills are only very slightly more mature than they were about 15 years ago (mayhaps this is why Hedy thinks I'm so damned cute?...).
B. A friendly, artistically collaborative relationship is as fulfilling as fulfilling gets (like when me & my buddy Matt did an improv vocal duet to get this gal to step out for coffee).
C. I have about a ton and a half of swanky (and/or kitschy, cool-o-rific, hip, et al) baubles that I would LUV to see in a set!
D. I cannot decide whether it would be better to be a greasy gym-rat or a greasy-gym rat.
E. You're getting mad "good luck!" vibes from me n' Hedy for the Practicum. Woulda' tried myself if it weren't for that zany depressive stuff...
F. I would be exquisitely happy to try to drag the missus out to see ya whenever you've got some time.
G. The cock-rocking will have to wait until I catch some Z's.
(...and don't forget to not be afraid to fuck up some Florida republicans while yer down there.)
also, i'm trying to get a darien lake event around for end of aug/beginning of sept possibly. check out the thread in the group for more info and let me know what you think.
your new (slightly pushier, but well intended) group owner