The best thing about being on break is I actually get to fuckin watch films...
like Red Dawn. yes. I purchased this movie and watched it over christmas. was much scarier in the 80's. though, patrick swayze was still just as frightening.
hope you are feeling better...enjoy the r+r. wink
He's done it. He's fuckin gone and done it again.

Gregg Araki's Mysterious Skin is such an amazing fucking film... As much as I'm a diehard fan of Nowhere and really dug Doom Generation... it's amazing to see the focused influence of working from a novel that comes into his work.
What he brings to an amazing story? This visual magic that exists in reality....
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they say an elephant never forgets.
but, what do elephants know?

I think I'm learning what Oz is all about.
Money what?

I'm falling in love with gamer-speak n shit. I'm all about ownin newbs 'n shit.

I was too sober last night to watch my office manager give my coworker a lap dance.

Sometimes I feel safer around married couples.

I'm back in Chicago and my lip is swollen like I'm in a bad Lifetime movie about domestic abuse.

Things are ok. Things are...
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Frag da n00b with your l33t sk1lls of pwning.
IBS sucks. My mumsy is scared, seeing what happens to me in person is more frightening than hearing about the after effects when I play it down over the phone.

My body is fucked. But I still managed to get some healing done in the way of a "take two" on my scarification. We cut really deep this time so it should definately scar. I'm...
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happa noonya!
*that's my Helen Keller impression*
ney, niy nid. ih-wah-tondy-too! tih-tah.

translated: Yes, I did. It was totally cool! kick-ass.

*that's my Cartman Keller impression*

everyone says I love you!

me!?!?! Have a good Christmas with all the new nieces and the rest of the famamily. kiss
have a rockin new years! c u at the cd xchange yo
Done and Done.

Back to Rochester. Be well, Chicago.

off to home to share footage of a year's worth of work and/or growth, work on my scarification, get healthy, meet with friends, see Ron Falzone at the George Eastman House and hide things from my family.

Much love and happy Festivus

I'm off to air some grievances-
Eat...or DON'T eat...a garbage plate for me...
Cam Sem Final today! I'm almost fuckin done. I'm almost back in Rochester. My sister may have talked me into somesort of either grip, electritian or AC gig with a Rochester filmmaker who will be shooting over the summer.

Robert finished authoring my DVD last night.

So, yeah, wish I could go to this Chicago SG shindig tonight but my friends are holding a film-showing...
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good luck, luv. enjoy yourself tonight.
and keep an eye on your mailbox!
oof. gas.

I hate the cp 16. I feel better about next semester's schedule though. A spot in Lighting II with Ninoos opened up and I grabbed it.

I realized after as much was just typed that... I have stopped discriminating when and where I talk about Columbia film matters. I don't expect anyone to really understand much of the above, except that I am...
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I got a full body massage a couple of weeks ago. that shit was rad. you should get one for x-mas.
have you ever made a flan
and squished it in your hand, oh no.
Something has closed and is done. But I feel ok about it. I just need to stick to my guns this time.

Sending my Production II film to the Riverrun film fest in NC. I showed it to a friend recently who... well she didn't like it. It deeply and thoroughly disturbed her. I think she got caught up in the surface content and couldn't...
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I did things I shouldn't have last night. Oh well. It felt good to feel him and forget our woes together for a little.

I should listen to less aggressive music when I edit the love sequences in my film. They are coming out all jagged and sharp and angry.

I want to study in LA this summer.

Off to editing.

e. therese Fagan
LA sucks. But it's cool at the same time.

so do what you want.

is that a picture of a dog performing open-heart surgery on another dog?

if so that's fucked up... yet awesome.

what do you study?

I'm a cinematographer as well!

I can tell you that cinematography is one of the toughest disciplines in film to break into. So study hard my young padawan learner. As you will most likely be ACing on a number of shorts out here. The market is saturated with people who think they know how to handle a camera... and the "dogma" style filmmaking technique has done nothing for our people to say the least.

plus the guild gave up residual rights years ago for a 25 cent per day pay increase... so DVD sales mean nothing to us now.... boo.

what kind of film are you most interested in?
It's not a good day or a bad day. It's more like a good minute or a bad minute. One second I'll be self-assured and even allowed to listen to music that reminds me. The next I'll feel so fucking empty and alone...

But it's not a kind of empty where you want someone to fill it. It's not the type of loneliness that goes...
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u are not melodramatic. it hurts to leave someone and have that lingering void.
i am sorry u are in a bad spot. frown
I know you know.
Cool. 7 months. And now nothing.

How odd a sensation that I should have to reassign everything in my life a new value that doesn't have to do with him anymore.

I still see him all over this apartment. I can feel him breathing all around me. But last night we were both so cold and detached because it hurt too much to be human....
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hang in there. frown sorry u are sad.
I don't want to be defined by my pain anymore.