Question: If the person you lost your virginity to, who is considered by those in your life to have been your "first love", and who subsequently gave you your first taste of heartbreak were to call you after months and months of no contact, would you pick up? To add another level of confusion to the question, if said heartbreaker were now married, but insisted on speaking to you, even though you feel it's inappropriate for her to keep calling and calling and calling the person she gave her virginity to, since she now has a husband (a husband who is also the individual she left you for), how would you tell her that you didn't wish to speak to her anymore? And finally, to put this bluntly, if she would not leave you alone until you spoke to her, how would you explain to her that you know that she only calls when she's feeling lonely, or sad, or has just gotten in a fight with her husband, and that all she is trying to do, by keeping whatever type of screwed up relationship the two of you have together alive, is have a guy on the back burner, so that when she's down and her husband's not being particularly supportive, she'll have someone to call to tell her that she is wonderful, and marvelous, and perfect?
My first impulse is to simply answer the phone, and say calmly and clearly, "I'm not the person you once knew. I'm not your emotional crutch, and I don't want to have any part of you. Fuck off." Then hanging up. But that might be a bit rash.
I'm open to suggestions.
Final question: Do you have a favorite television quote? If so, please share. I'll start:
The problem with eating and driving, which I love to do, is not being able to employ the 10-2 hand position on the wheel. It's a matter of public safety. But there's always a sacrifice.

We're gonna be alright.
hahahaha i got two tickets right here
*bang bang*

will do