I coulda sworn my membership expired. I guess it didn't. Who knew?
It's been several months, so no one's probly gonna read this. I've been good. Got back from Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Got to see my best friends. It's funny, but we see each other so rarely that everytime we meet up I'm surprised how comfortable I am with them. It's a...
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It's been several months, so no one's probly gonna read this. I've been good. Got back from Vegas a couple of weeks ago. Got to see my best friends. It's funny, but we see each other so rarely that everytime we meet up I'm surprised how comfortable I am with them. It's a...
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I wish I could feel this excited every morning when I wake up.
I updated my profile, not because I've changed, but because I'm always trying to focus on who I really am. I feel like I lose myself sometimes, and it's healthy to gaze inwards now and then and find myself again.
I've got a couple of months left on SG before my membership expires. I've enjoyed being here, and getting a glimpse into the lives of...
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I've got a couple of months left on SG before my membership expires. I've enjoyed being here, and getting a glimpse into the lives of...
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Happy Holidays sir. 

I think I've got a date with a girl who outranks me. Oh my, whatever shall I do?

miss you too! 

Yes, thank you.... And how was the date? Did it happen yet?
I've had half a bottle pinot noir tonight, and I'm feeling funny. Teeheehee...
A random assortment of thoughts:
If you've never read Ursula K. LeGuin's short story "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" then I highly recommend you do. It's the only story that I've encountered that still makes my heart cry out, even after dozens and dozens of readings. If Ms. LeGuin were...
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A random assortment of thoughts:
If you've never read Ursula K. LeGuin's short story "The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas" then I highly recommend you do. It's the only story that I've encountered that still makes my heart cry out, even after dozens and dozens of readings. If Ms. LeGuin were...
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Yes the plan is definitely to be out within a years time, as long as finances and life do what they are supposed to. I hope you find something a little enjoyable in your two year tour of Montana. 

Zachary, this is one very lovely thought. Thank you ... xx 

I've got a crush on Nicki Minaj. Every time I watch the "Your Love" music video, I find myself staring at the screen like a toddler watching Yo Gabba Gabba!. If there was mirror showing my expression at such an instant, I'm sure I would resemble Bugs Bunny seeing Lola appear as a French maid. Dreamy eyed, and sighing like a fool.
Got my Christmas...
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Question: If the person you lost your virginity to, who is considered by those in your life to have been your "first love", and who subsequently gave you your first taste of heartbreak were to call you after months and months of no contact, would you pick up? To add another level of confusion to the question, if said heartbreaker were now married, but insisted...
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hahahaha i got two tickets right here
*bang bang*

will do
Turn up the volume, and pay attention:
It's true, we shared something once. Something beautiful; something that satisfied every need I didn't know I had. And while satisfying those needs, also building in me a desire that was almost unquenchable, almost like you had created a chain reaction in my soul. Like you inserted a critical mass of emotion into my heart. The light you...
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haha yeah food usually helps a lil bit
how have you been?

i hate going to sleep upset. i'm pretty sure SG-land helped turn my day around though, especially with sweet messages such as yours 

This is gonna be a long one (BUT FULL OF PICTURES, SO DON'T RUN OFF JUST YET!!!), so to help ease the pain of so much scrolling, I've included a soundtrack to play as you read. Click each clip, and get to scrolling!
First off, an 8-bit melody...
Summer's coming to a close, and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. I'll miss sleeping with the windows...
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First off, an 8-bit melody...
Summer's coming to a close, and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic. I'll miss sleeping with the windows...
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haha. My friend helped write that, the Scott Pilgrim thing....
hehehe thanks mister.
and yes robots are most rad indeed 

I'm awake.
I'm not supposed to be awake. I have to be up at 4am to go to work. I have a very important evaluation to attend in the morning. I must be fresh, primed, and ready to react when required. But I'm not tired. And I don't think I'll be tired anytime soon.
I've just finished reading Feyne's journal. What a wonderful girl....
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I'm not supposed to be awake. I have to be up at 4am to go to work. I have a very important evaluation to attend in the morning. I must be fresh, primed, and ready to react when required. But I'm not tired. And I don't think I'll be tired anytime soon.
I've just finished reading Feyne's journal. What a wonderful girl....
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Hahahaha! Awesome.
Okay, then I'll try to keep smiling and be happy, I'm writing a new blog that will be positive for sure !
ps: Thank you for the lovely words you wrote about me on this blog ... That is so sweet of you to say that. I'm very touched... thank you. <3

ps: Thank you for the lovely words you wrote about me on this blog ... That is so sweet of you to say that. I'm very touched... thank you. <3
i guess it always depends in what corner of the country you are, let me know where youre going and i can point you in the right direction!