Well... My new years was interesting. Some fists were flying... Mud was everywhere. That was fun to clean up, and my computer is half broken... Oh well. looks like i need to get a new one! I have to visit my probo today... have to drink LOTS of water FML i forgot all about meeting her today. And school starts back up tomorrow... sad panda.... Read More
Fortunately your computer's only half broken. Although, sometimes that can stress you out more just sitting and wondering when it's going to break for good. Best of luck!
Does anyone else get bored of sitting around, but then when you get asked to do something you don't want to move? Yep, that's me everyday. I need to do something fun, what's something fun that doesnt cost money? Between school, probo, and living in general I have no monies
My favorite thing is arts and crafts time.. Cutting up old tshirts to make new ones that hang off the shoulder 80's style, adding props to pics (stickers, borders, etc) and putting em in cheapy frames for gifts, making homemade cards for loved ones and friends.. I know it sounds so stupid and Martha Stewart like.. But I'm POSITIVE if u had an arts and crafts time with me u'd enjoy.. Since ur in MI we can make this happen! haha
Or I like to go on message boards and find new bands I didn't know about. Like type in "Top 10 metalcore bands" in google and find out about all kinds of new fun stuff! Or go to a used record store and find the grossest sounding metal/grindcore album names in the place hahha My fav so far was an "Anal Blast" cd I found about 3 years ago.. Ok, enough blabbing.. Hope u have a great new years!!
Is it really that wrong of me to want to spend Christmas Eve with my boyfriend sense no one in my family wants to be around eachother? I guess I should've said " Sure! Go Snowboarding on Christmas Eve, and I'll sit at the apartment alone." Am I in the wrong here? I guess I should be used to falling asleep alone by now,... Read More
Sounds perfectly human to me. I say go have fun with someone your sure enjoys you being around! And snowboarding on Christmas... it dont get no better than that!