this monotone man stands all alone/ whispering on this microphone/
and i alone can't hear him moan/ about the bitter crone that broke his heart like brittle bone/ over the telephone in his home/ that he built stronger than Rome stronger than stone but it still fell to the unknown/ and it kills his will but we will rebuild and reshield with emotion thick steal/ and the wheel keeps turning/ relearning/ reburning/ reassuring/ my doom that looms over October like the crescent moon/ mostly black smiles half intact like a broken back that still cracks/ even though you know most the facts/ how else can one react.
and i alone can't hear him moan/ about the bitter crone that broke his heart like brittle bone/ over the telephone in his home/ that he built stronger than Rome stronger than stone but it still fell to the unknown/ and it kills his will but we will rebuild and reshield with emotion thick steal/ and the wheel keeps turning/ relearning/ reburning/ reassuring/ my doom that looms over October like the crescent moon/ mostly black smiles half intact like a broken back that still cracks/ even though you know most the facts/ how else can one react.