Today I groomed my cat... and by groomed, I mean I gave her a buzz cut...
She was soooooooooooooo happy! Since she's been getting her summer coat, she's basically been one giant gray mat... Very unbecoming, and very uncomfortable... So I got out the clippers and away we went... Nothing but purrs and wiggles... Her favourite part was when I did her big fat belly... Since I got her back from my ex-wife, she has really been doing quite well. My ex was going to put her down because she was peeing on the floor. But, to me, that wasn't a good reason, so after 8 yrs of not seeing her, she was back home with her daddy. And, surprisingly if you clean her litter she doesn't piss on the floor... SURPRISE!!!! So she has her summer hair cut, and she quite happy about it... She is currently napping and enjoying her long Easter weekend...
Many chocolate goodies to you and yours...
- Z

Many chocolate goodies to you and yours...
- Z

Bailey at Anchors tattoo in Burlington. She is really good.
excited that school is done?!?!?!?