Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy doing absolutely nothing, I have nothing to put here except I have no idea where the last few weeks have gone... NO IDEA!
I have been on an eBay DVD buying frenzy... I found a couple of sellers who are practically giving away Anime! Schweet! The collection is now @ 344, with a few orders still coming in... I can't help myself... I love da movies... I loooooooooooooooooooooooove them... I am trying to find a copy of Agent 15 starring world renowned super star and SG Photog Paget Brewster (I love her!!! but not in a creepy stalker way)
- Official Agent 15 site It looks hysterical...
Anyway, off to finish watching Mythbusters, and avoiding my school crazed roommate who is trying to kill me with her mind...
- Z
I have been on an eBay DVD buying frenzy... I found a couple of sellers who are practically giving away Anime! Schweet! The collection is now @ 344, with a few orders still coming in... I can't help myself... I love da movies... I loooooooooooooooooooooooove them... I am trying to find a copy of Agent 15 starring world renowned super star and SG Photog Paget Brewster (I love her!!! but not in a creepy stalker way)

Anyway, off to finish watching Mythbusters, and avoiding my school crazed roommate who is trying to kill me with her mind...

- Z

Happy DVD collecting!