Ok... So this is kind of corny and it feels a little silly, BUT I'm doing it anyway... Mostly cause I just need to get back into shape. I am doing the 2007 Body-for-LIFE challenge. It's what they call a "12 week healthy living contest". Pretty much you have 84 days to overhaul your eating habits, exercise habits and overall outlook on you physical and mental health. You are then judged 50% on your physical change, and 50% on an essay you write about how you the changes you have made have impacted your life. It sounds a little silly, but what the fuck... The worst that will happen is I'll lose some weight and start eating better, the best result is I will lose some weight, eat better and win the annual grand master award of $50,000 with a chance at a million... So why the fuck not? Right... When I'm done, I'll post my before and after pictures so everyone can have a good laugh! Even my girlfriend (who thinks I'm sexy...wtf?) thought my before photos made me look like a nasty shit lump... We'll see what happens...
Last night was day 2 of my workout schedule... 30min cardio warm up followed by free weights. It was shoulders and back day... Yippee... I am currently reaping the benefits of Day one, chest and shoulder day... My Man boobs are so sore... Is this what it feels like a week before your period girls? Mother fucker! Tonite is legs... This is the make it or break it day... I hate squats and lunges... HATE THEM!!! but I have to do some work on my ass... I suffer from a horrible case of Caucasian ass syndrome.
Anyway, I should jet... Hope y'all are having a great day...
- Z
Last night was day 2 of my workout schedule... 30min cardio warm up followed by free weights. It was shoulders and back day... Yippee... I am currently reaping the benefits of Day one, chest and shoulder day... My Man boobs are so sore... Is this what it feels like a week before your period girls? Mother fucker! Tonite is legs... This is the make it or break it day... I hate squats and lunges... HATE THEM!!! but I have to do some work on my ass... I suffer from a horrible case of Caucasian ass syndrome.
Anyway, I should jet... Hope y'all are having a great day...
- Z