I totally wiped out this morning walking to the bus stop...
Feet went right over my head!
slipped on the ice and WHAM! Down like a sack of bricks... So my wrist is all bruised (prob. sprained it) and my neck and shoulders are really stiff and soar... The funniest part was, that after I finished sliding down the slight incline into the on coming traffic lane (my street isn't all that busy thank goodness). I couldn't even lie there for a second to gain my composure and enjoy the moment... Someone had seen the entire thing so I had to spring to my feet and pretend that nothing happened to save a little of my dignity... Bahahahahaha... I wish I had it on tape! I'd win America's funniest Home Videos for sure...
Also, thank you everyone for sending me notes about the writing ordeal... I appreciate it, even though it is mostly just my own jealousy and frustration at this point. It happens all the time, and people really do come up with similar thoughts all the time... BUT I do appreciate your thoughts... And WHEN I do sell a script and they make it into a movie I will make sure y'all are invited to the Toronto opening!!! We can have a special SG section!!! And the best after party EVER!!!
You may be waiting a while though (years)... hehehehe... But New Years Resolution #2... Write at least a page every day... Not including any re-writes that's 2 new scripts this year. We'll see...
Hope you are all doing well... Please send happy "get well soon" thoughts to Arden...
- Z

Also, thank you everyone for sending me notes about the writing ordeal... I appreciate it, even though it is mostly just my own jealousy and frustration at this point. It happens all the time, and people really do come up with similar thoughts all the time... BUT I do appreciate your thoughts... And WHEN I do sell a script and they make it into a movie I will make sure y'all are invited to the Toronto opening!!! We can have a special SG section!!! And the best after party EVER!!!

Hope you are all doing well... Please send happy "get well soon" thoughts to Arden...
- Z

Things like this truly take a bit of your dignity away from you. Glad you're okay, be careful with that wrist! Is it at least getting better?
And that WOULD be the best opening ever! I'll bring the camera! I could be your own person papparozi (however you spell that absurd word anyway).