WOW!!! Whata fuckin' week! Thank goddess it's over tomorrow! Then... Oh yeah right! I get to pack my wonderful lady friends apartment for her move on Tuesday... (That wasn't sarcastic she really is wonderful!)
August has just been far too busy... No time for fun! I haven't been out for a night of drinking, music and people watching in over as month! How fucked up is that?!?!?!?!?! I need a beer... And a stress free night of drunken debauchery before I'm overwhelmed by thousands of younger people who are freaked out about school and the technology they need isn't working! Yes, yes it's true... I would also like some pie.
- Z
August has just been far too busy... No time for fun! I haven't been out for a night of drinking, music and people watching in over as month! How fucked up is that?!?!?!?!?! I need a beer... And a stress free night of drunken debauchery before I'm overwhelmed by thousands of younger people who are freaked out about school and the technology they need isn't working! Yes, yes it's true... I would also like some pie.
- Z

Thanks for the set comment!

Sorry, I've been very busy.
But I'm back now!