For those of you that don't know... I am a computer geek... It's what I do for a living... I enjoy it... It keeps my brain going... BUT for the last week I have been re-addressing all the machines on my little c-class subnet so I can switch my new firewall from transparent mode to routed mode, and I have done nothing but stare at IPs and MAC addresses, and making sure that what I have on my list matches what I am submitting to the NetWork Overlords... 0011d8f4b3a4 means nothing to most people... To me it was an hour and a half of wasted time searching all over the place only to find out it was temporary machine that our web guy used last year, and has since been flattened... I don't mean to complain, and I'm not really, I've just had a headache for 5 days... Reading numbers and comparing lists is not a good chore to give a 32 yr old dyslexic geek... Mind you... I can get a little quiet concentration time in my new office so that's a bit of a bonus!
My whinning is done... Today marks 4 months with my girlie friend... w00t! She's quite extraordinary! and puts up with my shit...
Anyway, I gotta get some sleep... more numbers in the morning...
Hope everyone is happy and healthy!!! And not over heating...
- Z
My whinning is done... Today marks 4 months with my girlie friend... w00t! She's quite extraordinary! and puts up with my shit...

Anyway, I gotta get some sleep... more numbers in the morning...

Hope everyone is happy and healthy!!! And not over heating...
- Z

Gratz on hitting the 4 month mark! It's always nice when you can find someone who can actually put up with your quirks..