Anyone who really knows me, also knows that I have a crippling social anxiety disorder... Remedied only by beer, vodka, rum (if its Pirate time) and/or meds... Today, I was accused of being EXTREMELY extraverted... "Hahahaha" I exclaimed, thinking to myself that was just about the funiest thing I've heard in a while... I said "it's not that I'm extraverted, its that I have to fake it"... I have to be social 'cause my job requires me to be. Then I pointed out, that if you watch me when I get called out to the floor to solve some technical issue and there's a large group of people around me (say more than one), the first thing that starts happening is I break out in a cold sweat... "Oh" the person said, "I have noticed that, I just thought you were hot from running out from your office"... . The next thing is I can't get what I need to say out properly, so I start using point form, and it comes out bluntly and very matter of fact. "Oh" the person responded quite shocked. "I just thought you were a prick!"
I have never laughed so hard in my life...
If you can't laugh at yourself, your friends will... and take pictures so they can remind you later...
- Z
I have never laughed so hard in my life...

If you can't laugh at yourself, your friends will... and take pictures so they can remind you later...
- Z

I laughed.
Nice punchline.

And snow it did! Too bad it's going to rain again.